Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4308

Lead Equivalent


Lead equivalent is an indicator of the protective properties of a material in relation to ionizing radiation. It is expressed by the thickness of the lead layer, which, u ...

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Soleus muscle


Soleus muscle: anatomical description and functions The soleus muscle, also known as Soleus, is one of the main muscles of the human leg. This broad, flat, thick muscle r ...

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Pachyderma Folded


Folded pachyderma (cutis verticis gyrata; synonym - folded scalp) is a rare dermatological disease characterized by the formation of multiple skin folds on the scalp. The ...

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Kunyin virus


Kunyin virus: what is it and what is its role in health? Kunjin virus is a virus of the genus Flavovirus, belonging to the Togavirus family. This virus is part of the eco ...

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Sanitary Vehicle


An ambulance is a vehicle specially designed or adapted for transporting the sick, and in wartime - for evacuating the injured and sick. Ambulance vehicles are equipped w ...

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Erythrocytosis Relative


Relative erythrocytosis: causes, symptoms and treatment Relative erythrocytosis, also known as erythrocyte false erythrocytosis, is a condition in which the level of red ...

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Neuroendocrine System


The neuro-endocrine system is a system for regulating body functions, combining the nervous and endocrine systems. The autonomic nervous system is especially closely rela ...

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Hildebranda-Dendi Operation


Hildebrand-Dandy operation: history, principles and application The Hildebrand-Dandy operation is a medical procedure developed by German surgeon Otto Hildebrand (1858-19 ...

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Depression Anaclitic


Anaclitic depression: understanding and treatment Anaclitic depression, also known as support depression, is a form of depression that occurs in infants and children as a ...

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Adaptation Enzymatic


Enzymatic adaptation: How to increase enzyme activity in a cell Enzymes play an important role in cellular metabolism, speeding up chemical reactions and providing the en ...

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