Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4309



Pergolide is a drug that has a stimulating effect on dopamine receptors in the brain. It is used to treat parkinsonism and is administered orally. Possible side effects w ...

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Osteopathy Disseminated Condensing


Disseminated condensing osteopathy: Understanding and treatment Disseminated condensing osteopathy (DCO) is a rare disease of the skeletal system, which is characterized ...

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Supravascular plate


Supravascular plate: anatomy and functions The supravascular plate (lamina suprachoroidea) is a thin layer of tissue located between the choroid and choroid of the eye. T ...

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Hyperinosis: what is it and what are its causes? Hyperinosis, or hyperinosis, is a medical term that describes a condition in which the body's tissues become denser and h ...

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Reflex Visceral


Visceral reflex: what is it and how does it work? The visceral reflex (or visceroreflex) is the body’s reaction to irritation of internal organs, which manifests itself i ...

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Kostmann Syndrome


Kostmann syndrome: description, causes and treatment Kostmann syndrome, also known as northern neutropenia syndrome, is a rare inherited disorder characterized by decreas ...

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Symptom of Loss


Symptom of Prolapse: psychiatric and neurological aspects The Prolapse symptom is a general name for two different groups of symptoms: psychiatric and neurological. In ps ...

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Moshkovich-Singer-Simmers Syndrome


Moshkovich-Singer-Simmers syndrome: description, symptoms and treatment Moschkowitz-Singer-Simmers syndrome (MSS) is a rare disorder characterized by small vessel thrombo ...

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Cyematogenesis is the process of formation and development of kyema (chema). Kyema (hema) is a gill apparatus characteristic of the larvae and embryos of aquatic vertebra ...

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Stunning (synonyms: stupor, stunned consciousness syndrome) is a condition characterized by a short-term loss of consciousness or a sharp narrowing of it. The causes of s ...

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