Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4310

Soft Tissue Sarcoma Alveolar


Alveolar soft tissue sarcoma: features and treatment Soft tissue sarcoma alveolar (alveolar sarcoma) is a rare type of soft tissue tumor that most often occurs in childre ...

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Secretory Cycle


The secretory cycle is a set of regularly repeating changes in the structure and metabolism in the glandulocyte that occur in the process of formation and secretion of se ...

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Plexuscarcinoma is a rare malignant neoplasm arising from the nerve plexuses. This tumor is characterized by infiltrative growth in the tissues surrounding the nerve plex ...

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Van Den Bergh S Test


The Van Den Berg test is a test that allows you to determine the cause of a patient’s development of jaundice: whether it is caused by hemolysis, liver disease or bile du ...

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Blood replacement fluids Detoxification


Blood-substituting detoxification fluids are special solutions that are used to treat various forms of intoxication. The main purpose of using such liquids is to bind and ...

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Marrow Bone Yellow


Yellow bone marrow (lat. m. ossium flava) or fatty bone marrow is a type of bone marrow that consists primarily of fat cells - adipocytes. Yellow bone marrow fills the ca ...

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Neurolipomatosis Diffuse Spinal


Diffuse spinal neurolipomatosis is a rare disease characterized by diffuse damage to the spinal cord by adipose tissue. Causes The exact causes of the disease are unknown ...

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Metastasis is the process of spread of a malignant tumor from the primary site to other parts of the body. A tumor that metastasizes is called metastatic. Metastasis occu ...

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Hypersthenuria: symptoms, causes and treatment Hypersthenuria is a condition in which the concentration of salts and minerals in the urine exceeds the norm. This can lead ...

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Sanitary Pier


Sanitary Marina: a place where health finds its haven A sanitary pier is a prepared section of coastline intended for loading and unloading water ambulances. It is an imp ...

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