Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4311

Haley-Hailey Disease


Haley-Hailey Disease: symptoms, causes and treatment Haley-Hailey disease, also known as hyperkeratosis disease, is a rare inherited skin disorder. This disease is charac ...

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Hyperostosis Generalized Ossifying


Generalized ossifying hyperostosis (hyperostosis generalisata ossificans) is a rare disease characterized by progressive ossification (ossification) of ligaments, tendons ...

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Collagenoses are a group of diseases characterized by diffuse damage to connective tissue. The name “collagenosis” is due to the fact that these diseases cause changes in ...

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Hypostasis 1


Hypostasis 1 (hypostasis; from the Greek words hypo - under and stasis - standing) - accumulation of blood in areas dependent on the position of the body. This phenomenon ...

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Fetus (Fetus, Foetus)


Fetus (Fetus, Foetus) is a term that refers to the organism that develops inside the uterus from conception to birth. This term is used in medical terminology to refer to ...

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Thyroid Notch Superior


The superior thyroid notch (incisura thyroidea superior, pna; incisura thyreoidea superior, bna; incisura thyreoidea cranialis, jna) is a narrow notch in the upper edge o ...

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Root Separation Zone (Furcation)


The furcation zone is the area where the tooth root branches into multiple roots. This is typical for multi-rooted teeth such as premolars and molars. Normally, the furca ...

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Thyrotomy: what is it and why is it done? Thyrotomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing part or all of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is located in the n ...

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Ligaments of the Toes Cruciate


Cruciate toe ligaments (lat. l. cruciata digitorum pedis, BNA) are paired ligaments located between the articular heads of adjacent toes. They are shaped like the letter ...

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Topesthesia (topaesthesia top + Greek aisthesis feeling, sensation) is the ability to feel touch and pressure on the skin. This is a type of sensitivity that allows us to ...

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