Rhinogenic Brain Abscess

Brain abscesses are purulent diseases that develop as a result of the spread of the inflammatory process to brain tissue due to injury or insect bites. In turn, purulent meningitis of the brain is a serious complication of acute rhinitis, abscesses of the paranasal sinuses, pneumonia and influenza. Abscess often develops as a complication of catarrhal processes in the nose, although it can also occur hematogenously and spontaneously, due to fungal or bacillary lesions of the skin and soft tissues. One of the typical symptoms characteristic of catarrhal and purulent ear diseases is an increase in the postauricular fold due to swelling and infiltration, pain,

**Rinogenic brain abscess -** is a purulent melting of brain tissue under the influence of acute or chronic purulent processes located in the areas of the face and jaws. The most common cause of brain abscess is head and facial injuries. Develops during pyogenic processes, which are the spread of infection from pustular