Adenoma Papillary

Recently, urologists have increasingly encountered the pathology of adenopapillary carcinoma tissue cells. Adenopathy is highly prevalent among the male population around the globe. But it is also found in women and is a diagnostic error during a gynecological examination. It is a nodular element of compacted and hypertrophied, sometimes branched, papillary formations, which can change color when examining urine. At the first stages of their existence, such formations have an isolated location. As the papillary organ grows, it begins to change. Nodes with multiple convoluted ductal formations are formed. Tumors of this type arise in the lower urinary tract as a result of the accumulation of salt deposits in them. Gives significant spread to the facial bones of the skull. Indirect signs of polyps are: frequent change of sexual partners, the presence of chronic pathology, weakness of the immune system, and inadequate nutrition. One of the important consequences of the formation of adenomas is the blocking of the urinary tract and, accordingly, disruption of the process of fluid excretion. If such changes occur in the urethra, then urination may be impaired, the stream becomes weak, intermittent, and symptoms of urethritis appear. There may also be defecation disorders. First of all, prostate adenomas manifest themselves as complications in the form of enlarged kidneys, urolithiasis, retention stones in the collecting system, chronic prostatitis with varicose veins of the prostate gland, erectile dysfunction, and the development of impotence. When suffering from this disease, the copulatory function of the male body is often disrupted and long-term therapy is required to restore it. Based on diagnostic tests of the urethra, the type of adenocarcinoma is determined and indications for surgery are determined. Mandatory research is also carried out and