Muscle tone

Muscle tissue tone is a long-lasting condition in which the muscle remains elastic and capable of contraction. Muscle tone plays an important role in maintaining balance and coordination, as well as protecting the body from injury and damage.

The tone of muscle tissue is regulated by the nervous system, which sends signals to the muscles, controlling their tension and relaxation. When a muscle is in a state of tone, it retains its shape and elasticity, which allows it to quickly respond to external influences.

However, if muscle tone decreases, it can lead to various problems such as weakness, fatigue and muscle pain. This can be caused by various factors such as lack of physical activity, poor diet, stress and others.

To maintain muscle tone, you need to exercise regularly, eat right and avoid stressful situations. It is also important to monitor your health and consult a doctor if you experience symptoms related to muscle tone.

Muscle tone is a long-term state of activity and passivity in the muscles. The actual state of muscle tone is considered to determine their functional state. If muscle contraction is under the control of the cerebral cortex, then we can talk about normal tone. Pathological tone occurs without the participation of consciousness, regulating it by the cerebral cortex. It can be either increased (paresis, paralysis) or decreased (muscle atrophy). This tone is more of a pathological condition than a physiological one. Increased muscle tone - hypertonicity - is manifested by muscle contraction, regardless of conscious effort.

The ways to determine muscle tone are quite varied. One of the simplest methods is to assess the tolerance of a functional load, such as lifting a load. This is especially easy when the person lowers the object slowly. Muscle tone is determined by the movement of the shoulder girdle, arms, and shoulder blades during lifting. Another simple method is based on determining the clarity of the verbal response impulse. Thus, with optimal tone that the effort is increased or decreased, the message will more often resemble involuntary muscle contractions.

Increased muscle tension (hypertonicity) occurs with movement disorders, as well as in the case of a long stay of the body in an uncomfortable position - fetal position, torticollis and others. In this case, muscle relaxation is prevented by excessive neuromuscular influences. In this case, there is no reflex