Fasting Solar

The sun is one of the most important sources of energy for life on Earth. It provides energy to living things in the form of light and heat, and helps them grow, reproduce and survive in the environment. However, even despite all this importance of the Sun, some people practice what is called “solar fasting.”

The essence of this method is to completely abandon the light and heat of the Sun and be in constant darkness and cold. “Solar fasting” finds its popularity in certain circles and subcultures, where this phenomenon is a form of self-development and spiritual practice.

Despite the fact that the “sun fasting” technique may seem radical and controversial, it has its supporters and followers. They claim that this lifestyle helps them get rid of various psychological and physiological problems, such as chronic fatigue, stress, depression, migraines, allergies, excess weight and much more. Some people report an improvement in their health, a decrease or complete elimination of symptoms of the listed diseases and conditions. Some see increased productivity, longer hours spent awake, and less need for sleep. Others experience spiritual growth, increased self-esteem and improved relationships with the outside world. However, this method can lead to serious consequences. In addition, people who practice “fasting” are not prepared for external circumstances when returning to the open sky and the light of the Sun. In some cases, this can lead to various mental disorders, such as insomnia, agoraphobia, phobias of the dark, etc.

In general, solar fasting is not a safe or scientifically proven method that can be used to treat various diseases or improve health. Rather, it's extreme