Allergy Physical

A physical allergy is a pathological reaction of the body to physical factors that have no direct connection with the person himself. Allergies to physical factors are divided into exogenous, or contact, and endogenous. There is also allergic sensitization to dyes used in everyday life and at work.

Causes and mechanisms of allergies. Exogenous allergies develop when skin comes into contact with an allergen. For example, in aluminum foundries, the skin is exposed to solvents and metal salts, which cause sensitization and subsequent dermatitis. Irritants are salts of chromic, manganese, nickel acids, carbon disulfide and its methyl and ethyl-2-oxime.

Workers in factories and industries involved in the processing of dairy products, vegetables, and fruits may experience eczema or dermatitis of the hands due to the use of coumarin, phenylacetic acid monodipropylamide, obtained from fish oil, as preservatives to protect vegetable oils from rancidity. Allergic sensitization is enhanced by mineral oils used for artificial food production. In such cases, manganese is the provocateur. Lead intoxication often occurs due to these same factors. In the manufacture of food paper - an allergic component