
Adenomyosarcoma (Adeno Myo Sarcoma) is a rare disease characterized by a combination of adenocarcinoma and sarcoma. This can lead to serious health consequences, including metastasis and death.

Adenomyosarcomas can occur in a variety of organs, including the lungs, liver, kidneys, ovaries, and prostate. They are characterized by rapid growth and aggressive behavior.

The main treatment for adenomyosarcoma is surgical removal of the tumor followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, in some cases, combination treatment including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormonal therapy may be required.

It is important to note that adenomyosarcoma is a rare disease and there is no specific prevention or screening. However, regular diagnosis and follow-up with a doctor can help identify the disease at an early stage, which will increase the chances of successful treatment.

Overall, adenomyosarcoma is a serious disease that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. Early diagnosis and timely treatment can significantly improve the prognosis of the disease and prolong the life of patients.

Adenomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor. Develops from integumentary and smooth muscle fibers and elements of apocrine sweat glands. This disease affects older men, sometimes at a young age. This is a rare pathology in children. Pathogenesis Adenomyosarcomas are embryonal tumors. They are characterized by high anaplasia of components. Each of them can be presented in varying degrees of differentiation. Most of them represent cells of the intermediate layers of the uterus - parabasal, basal and uterine lining glands. Papillary growths, pseudosolid and cystic components, and edema are also detected. They grow in the uterus, less often the cervix and vagina.