Affective Discharge

According to Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, neuropsychiatrist M.V. Maksimov, today doctors know about 6 thousand syndromes. There are examples where doctors can accurately indicate the nature of a disease through a specific phrase in the diagnosis that reflects a specific disease.

There are known, for example, cases when a doctor could simply use a phrase in a diagnosis


Affective discharge is a stage of pathological arousal, which manifests itself in violent motor activity, deep disturbance of consciousness, disorientation in place, speech incoherence, hypersemia and other symptoms. This kind of fevered psychosis most often occurs in schizophrenia,

Affective shock syndrome is one of the most common neurological forms of acute psychogenic reactions. This form of the syndrome is a manifestation of severe mental and somatic disorders. It develops as a result of the action of emotionally significant speech, physical, mental stress, acute affective tension, and a convulsive attack. Clinically, early (a few minutes after exposure to a stress agent) development of all phases of the condition (mental and motor retardation and then hyperactivity upon recovery) is noted. The first phase is short-term, does not exceed 30 minutes. During this phase, speech is unclear, flows slowly, there are unmotivated stops and repetitions of individual sounds and words, which