Albumin Human Dessau

Human albumin Dessau: description, application and side effects

Dessau human albumin is a drug used for plasma replacement and correction of protein deficiency in the body. The drug is produced in Germany by Pharma Dessau GmbH and is presented in the form of a solution for infusion of 5% and 20%.

Composition and effect of the drug

The main component of human Dessau albumin is a polypeptide, which is one of the main protein components of blood serum. The drug has a plasma-substituting effect, increasing the volume of circulating blood and improving microcirculation. Also, Dessau human albumin is capable of binding and transporting various substances in the body, such as drugs, hormones, toxins, etc.

Indications for use

Dessau human albumin is used for various conditions accompanied by dehydration and decreased protein levels in the blood. For example, the drug can be used for shock (traumatic, surgical and toxic), burns, hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia, gastrointestinal lesions with digestive disorders (peptic ulcer, tumors, difficulty passing the gastrointestinal anastomosis, etc.).

Contraindications and side effects

Dessau human albumin has several contraindications, such as thrombosis, severe hypertension, ongoing internal bleeding, and severe forms of heart failure. If cardiac function is suppressed, the drug is prescribed with caution, as acute heart failure may develop.

Like any medicine, Dessau human albumin may cause side effects. These include increased body temperature, pain in the lumbar region and urticaria.

special instructions

When using human Dessau albumin, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer's specific instructions. Administration of the drug during dehydration is possible only after first ensuring sufficient fluid intake (orally, parenterally).


Dessau human albumin is an important drug used for plasma replacement and correction of protein deficiency in the body. The drug has several indications for use, but also has contraindications and possible side effects. When using, the manufacturer's specific instructions must be observed. Consultation with a doctor before using the drug is mandatory.