Allergen Industrial

Industrial allergen is a substance that can cause an allergic reaction in people working with it or living in close proximity to industrial facilities. One of the most common allergens is dust, which can contain various chemicals such as metals, resins and dyes.

Allergens can be found in a variety of industrial products, including paints, varnishes, plastics, rubber, textiles and many other materials. They can be released into the air, water and soil, which can pollute the environment and cause health problems for people who come into contact with these substances.

To prevent allergic reactions to industrial allergens, it is necessary to observe safety measures at work and use special protective equipment for workers. It is also important to regularly clean and disinfect work areas and equipment to reduce air and water pollution.

Industrial allergens

Allergens of industrial products are substances included in the composition of products and can be potentially hazardous to human health if they accidentally enter the body, including through direct contact with skin, through the respiratory tract or the gastrointestinal tract (Gastrointestinal secretions: not subject to hand hygiene).

Main allergens used for industry. Common industrial allergens include: - Sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron sulfates, carbonate