
Macroanecephaly is a pathological process characterized by an increase in brain volume. It can be the result of various reasons such as genetic factors, hormonal changes, infections, injuries, etc. Macroencephalopia can cause various neurological and mental disorders, such as problems with speech, memory, thinking, behavior and motor coordination.

**About the causes of macroencephalopia** There are many possible factors that cause macroanecephaly, and the most common of them are: 1. Disorders of brain development, which can lead to an increase in brain volume, which can be compensated

Welcome to the world of macroencephaly. This disease affects about 2% of people worldwide. The diagnosis of “macroencephaly” is an uncommon phenomenon, but it is very dangerous and hazardous to health. Some people think that diseases associated with a large head are simply from the realm of fantasy, and their causes are incredible. Indeed, few people know macroencephaly, but its cause is a disease of the human nervous system. It can be caused by certain genetic mutations, poisoning from mercury or other chemicals, or even certain medications.

Symptoms Symptoms of macroencephaly may include unusual head size, frequent seizures, headaches, aggressive behavior and intelligence, and the development of this disease does not manifest itself in any way or does not manifest itself immediately. A person who suffers from macroencephaly often becomes a victim of various childhood diseases, such as cerebral palsy, hearing and vision impairment, autism or multiple developmental defects of the brain and body. Symptoms may appear

Macroencephalia is a rare disease characterized by enlargement of the brain. This may be due to heredity or other factors such as infection or injury. Macroencephalopathy can lead to a variety of symptoms, including headache, seizures, and incoordination. Treatment for macroencephalopathy depends on the cause and may include drug therapy, surgery, or a combination of both.

Macroencephaly is a syndrome of disturbances in the size and shape of the brain, manifested by an increase in its volume. The anomaly most often occurs during intrauterine development of the fetus, but it may appear during life under the influence of many factors - infection, inflammatory processes, metabolic disorders. Macroenphaly of the brain may be a sign of genetic abnormalities leading to gene mutation.

An increase in brain volume can be observed before birth or later. The larger the fetal brain size at birth, the higher the risk of developing the syndrome due to the presence of genetic changes. An increase in brain size occurs for a number of reasons, the main of which are:

* Heredity. If macroencephaly is detected in the mother, the risk for the development of pathology in the child is 70%. Conversely, if there is brain atrophy in a pregnant woman, the risk of developing fetal growth retardation increases. * Infections. Herpes viruses of the first and second types, cytomegalovirus, measles, rubella, hepatitis - all this increases the risk of developing macroencephaly. * Difficult childbirth. The likelihood of developing gigantism can be traced when the umbilical cord is entangled or asphyxia, as well as during rough obstetric manipulations, for example, external rotation.