Allergic Reaction of Immediate Type

Allergic rhinitis is a disease in which an allergic reaction occurs to any irritants in the inhaled air, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and difficulty breathing. It is worth noting that allergies, in one form or another, are a very common phenomenon that affects every fifth person in the world. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely avoid this disease. However, there are a few tips that can help minimize the risk of allergies:

- First of all, you should eat a small amount of the food that caused the reaction. Perhaps, for starters, it will be enough to drink a glass of milk, an antihistamine tablet

An immediate (or type I) allergic reaction is a reaction of the body to an allergen that occurs quickly and without a latency period (the period when symptoms pass). The reaction may cause anaphylactic shock.

Allergy is a state of increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of various substances called allergens. Anyone can develop an involuntary immune response to foreign substances. Basically, approximately 35% of the population goes through this disease. However, it develops mostly in people with thin skin, living in large cities or suffering from atopic dermatitis. It is also known that people who have at least one similar disease in their family are more likely to experience this pathology. If we talk about predisposition to pathology, then most often men and women from 3 to 40 years old suffer from allergies. However, this is not all. In most cases, the first symptoms of the disease appear in infants and infants.

The most important reason for the occurrence of an immediate type reaction is that sensitizing substances are released into the environment very quickly after contact of body tissues with them. The main reason for this reaction is hypoxia. Its formation is facilitated by edema, microcirculation disorders, decreased lumen of venules, formation of blood clots,