Aloe on face at night

Aloe juice has truly invaluable cosmetic properties, which makes it the number one home remedy for caring for any type of facial skin, especially oily, problematic and sensitive.


  1. Beneficial properties and effect of aloe juice for the face
  2. Aloe juice preparation technique
  3. Aloe juice for acne on the face
  4. Using aloe juice for skin in its pure form
  5. Homemade recipes for face masks and lotions with aloe juice

Beneficial properties and effect of aloe juice for the face

For home use, aloe juice for the face is most effectively isolated from plant species such as Aloe vera (Barbados) and Aloe arborescens, which are the ones most often found on most people’s windowsills. These types of aloe contain more than 200 useful components: minerals and trace elements, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins (A, C, E, group B, including B12), enzymes, polysaccharides, lignins, etc. All these components have the most beneficial effect on the skin, generally making it healthier.

With regular use, aloe intensively moisturizes the skin, normalizing the water balance in the tissues, which is an effective prevention of dehydration and dryness. Thanks to fibroblasts, aloe activates the production of its own collagen and elastin fibers, against the background of which its use has a tightening and smoothing effect, rejuvenating the skin and preventing its early withering. The use of aloe also improves complexion, protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, and prevents the formation of age spots.

The disinfecting and healing properties of aloe juice help to quickly eliminate cracks and other damage to the skin, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory - excellent in the fight against various skin diseases (acne or acne, psoriasis, eczema, inflammatory processes), soothing and softening - effectively eliminate all signs of irritated skin and allergies (itching, redness, allergic rashes).

This “arsenal” of beneficial properties of aloe allows it to be used on any skin, including sensitive skin prone to allergies and irritations. After application, aloe very quickly penetrates deep into the skin layers, enriching cells and tissues with oxygen and essential nutrients and nutrients.

Aloe juice is used for the face in its pure form, as part of homemade masks, tonics, and lotions. It has no contraindications. Individual intolerance is very rarely observed, then before using the product on the skin, you can try to dilute it in equal proportions with water. If this does not help, it is better to avoid using aloe.

Aloe juice preparation technique

For cosmetic purposes, the lower, fleshy part of a three-year-old aloe is suitable (the tips of the leaves will be dry). Before cutting the leaves, aloe should not be watered for at least two weeks. The cut leaves should be washed well with warm boiled water, allowed to dry on a towel, then wrapped in thick paper (the ends on both sides should be left open) and stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

After the specified time, you can squeeze out the juice. Chop the leaves very finely into a glass bowl and add cooled boiled water in a ratio of 1:3. Cover with a lid and leave in a cool, dark place for two hours. Next, simply squeeze the mixture through gauze, filter the finished liquid again through several layers of gauze. Aloe juice obtained in this way is called biostimulated. This is due to the fact that in the absence of light and lower temperatures, aloe begins to intensively produce biologically active substances, which have a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

This juice can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed dark glass bottle for two weeks. You can use it in its pure form, prepare tonics, lotions and masks based on it.

Video: Melting aloe juice, recipes for masks with aloe.

Aloe juice for acne on the face

Aloe is an excellent helper in the fight against acne. It has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and drying effect, effectively eliminates sebaceous plugs, preventing their reappearance.

Aloe will speed up the resorption or emergence of a painful and itchy pimple; to do this, you just need to attach a napkin soaked in biostimulated juice to the affected area and leave it overnight. The effect will not be long in coming.

Using aloe juice for skin in its pure form

Concentrated or biostimulated aloe juice is recommended for use as a daily facial wipe for especially oily and problematic skin; for dry skin, after using it, the skin should be additionally moisturized with cream. Such care will reduce inflammation, smooth out wrinkles, increase the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis, and make the skin soft and velvety.

If you do not have the opportunity to use pure juice due to the lack of aloe in the house, using a pharmaceutical composition of the same name will be suitable for facial care, only its content of useful substances will be significantly lower compared to freshly squeezed juice.

Homemade recipes for face masks and lotions with aloe juice

For oily and problematic facial skin.

Cleansing lotion with aloe.

Cleanses, relieves inflammation, dries out acne.

Biostimulated aloe juice – 4 tbsp. l.
Medical alcohol – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients in an empty lotion bottle. Store in the refrigerator, wipe the skin twice a day.

Toning lotion with aloe.

Cools and refreshes the skin.

Biostimulated aloe juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Chamomile – 1 tbsp. l.
Cool boiling water – 1 cup.
Vitamin E solution in oil – 1 capsule.
Peppermint essential oil – 3 drops.

Prepare a chamomile infusion by steeping the herb in boiling water, leave for half an hour and filter. Take 2 tbsp of the finished infusion. l. and mix with aloe, heat the mixture in a water bath for five minutes. Next, remove the mixture from the heat and add vitamin and essential oil. Store the product in the refrigerator and apply to wipe the skin twice a day.

Video: Mask for oily skin with aloe.

Cosmetic ice with aloe juice.

Refreshes, fights acne and blackheads, tones and tightens the skin.

Sage decoction – 1 glass.
Biostimulated aloe juice – 3 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients, pour into special ice molds and place in the freezer in the quick-freeze section. Wipe your face with prepared ice cubes in the morning.

Protein mask with aloe.

Relieves inflammation, tightens pores, cleanses.

Biostimulated aloe juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Egg white – 1 pc.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 3 drops.

Beat the egg whites, add aloe and lemon juice. Apply the mixture to a cleansed face in several layers as the previous one dries. After 15 minutes, rinse the mask with cool water and apply cream. Do the procedure twice a week.

Mask with clay and aloe.

Cleanses, reduces pores, dries, refreshes and disinfects.

Green clay – 2 tbsp. l.
Rose water - a little.
Rose essential oil – 2 drops.
Biostimulated aloe juice – 5 tsp.

Mix the clay with aloe juice and dilute with rose water to a creamy mass (so as not to drip off your face). Add the essential component to the finished mixture. Apply the mask to a face cleansed of makeup and impurities. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask and moisturize the skin with cream. Do the mask twice a week.

For sensitive, irritated facial skin.

Aloe lotion for skin with visible capillaries.

Relieves inflammation, heals, soothes.

Sage herb – 1 tsp.
Plantain leaves - 1 tbsp. l.
Rose petals – 1 tsp.
Cool boiling water - ½ cup.
Lemon juice – 5 drops.
Biostimulated aloe juice – 4 tbsp. l.

Brew sage, plantain and rose petals in a glass with boiling water, leave for half an hour. Filter the warm infusion. Combine the finished infusion with aloe and lemon. Wipe your face with the mixture twice a day, then apply your usual skincare product.

Herbal lotion with aloe.

Soothes, relieves redness and irritation.

Biostimulated aloe juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Chamomile or sage infusion – ½ cup

Mix the ingredients in an empty lotion bottle. Apply morning and evening as a rub.

For normal facial skin.

Eggplant mask with aloe.

Moisturizes, nourishes, softens.

Chopped eggplant pulp – 50 g.
Biostimulated aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.
St. John's wort tincture – 2 tbsp. l.
Buckwheat honey – 1 tbsp. l.

Preheat the honey in a water bath. Mix all ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply it to your face for twenty minutes. After the specified time, wash with warm water. Then be sure to wipe the skin with an ice cube and apply a skin care product.

Creamy lotion with aloe

Moisturizes, nourishes, improves complexion.

Biostimulated aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Fresh cream – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the components, moisten a two-layer gauze napkin with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth in the resulting mixture and apply to the face for twenty minutes. Do the procedure twice a day.

For dry facial skin.

Peach mask with aloe.

Moisturizes, softens, saturates with vitamins.

Peach or olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Biostimulated aloe juice – 1 tsp.
Vodka – ½ tsp.
Fat nourishing cream – 3 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin, after fifteen minutes, remove the excess with a cosmetic napkin, wash with St. John's wort or sage infusion, and apply a skin care product.

Moisturizing mask with aloe.

Chopped mass of fresh cucumber – 1 tsp.
Avocado pulp – 1 tsp.
Biostimulated aloe juice – 1 tsp.
Green tea – 1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients and beat thoroughly with a spoon. Apply to a cleansed face, after 15 minutes, wash with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream.

For any type of facial skin.

Moisturizing mask with seaweed and aloe.

Seaweed powder – 2 tbsp. l.
Boiled cold water - a little.
Biostimulated aloe juice – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Vitamin E – 1 capsule.

Pour water over the seaweed until it is completely covered and leave for half an hour. Squeeze the swollen mass slightly and combine with the remaining ingredients. Apply the mask to a clean face. After fifteen to thirty minutes, wash with cool water.

For rejuvenation of mature facial skin.

Sour cream mask with aloe.

Perfectly smoothes out early wrinkles.

Biostimulated aloe juice – 2 tsp.
Sour cream – 2 tsp.
St. John's wort decoction – 1 tsp.
Liquid honey – 1 tsp.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply to a cleansed face and leave for ten minutes. After this, wash your face first with warm and then with cool water.

Firming mask with aloe.

Biostimulated aloe juice – 1 tsp.
Liquid honey – 1 tsp.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Powdered milk – 1 tsp.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mixture and apply to the skin, after half an hour, wash with warm water.

Mask with glycerin, aloe and honey.

Moisturizes, softens, tightens.

Biostimulated aloe juice – 1 tsp.
Glycerin – 1 tsp.
Boiled warm water – 1 tsp.
Oatmeal - for thickness.

Combine the components to obtain a mixture convenient for application. After twenty minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Use aloe for your facial skin, you will see how your skin will transform and shine with youth, health and beauty!

Do you know that aloe for facial acne is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory agents, as it has medicinal and cosmetic properties? Find out as much as you can about the benefits of this plant. You can buy a ready-made cream with its extract or make a homemade mask.

The menstrual cycle, adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, bad water, low-quality cosmetics, allergies - and now they are right there. Many companies offer branded expensive creams, traditional medicine - all kinds of masks, dermatology - anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment.

In fact, many people grow a very effective remedy on their windowsill. Proper use aloe for acne allows you to cope with this scourge in a short time without the use of drugs and cosmetics stuffed with “chemistry”.

After all, this houseplant and child of the prairies in the past has medicinal properties: it reduces the number of rashes, disinfects, prevents inflammation from spreading throughout the face, relieves redness and helps to avoid post-acne after acne disappears.

Benefits of aloe for the face

Not only traditional medicine, but also specialists (cosmetologists and dermatologists) claim that aloe for acne on face is one of the most effective ways to solve this problem. This plant has a unique composition, thanks to which it has healing properties:

  1. aloin - a substance contained in the peel of aloe leaves, it is this that gives it a specific bitter taste, creates a protective barrier on the skin, preventing external factors from provoking the appearance of acne on the face;
  2. pectin - a polysaccharide with cleansing and moisturizing properties;
  3. catechins — flavonoids normalize blood circulation, which, by providing the skin with oxygen, heals its inflamed areas;
  4. carotenoids — pigments that can regenerate the epidermis damaged by abscesses and ulcers, relieve redness and inflammation;
  5. tannins - phenols, which narrow enlarged pores and have antimicrobial and bactericidal effects, help treat acne;
  6. organic acids (aloe contains cinnamon, lemon, amber, l-coumaric, apple) have long been active fighters against acne, as they regenerate tissues damaged by inflammation;
  7. vitamins (in aloe, scientists found A, C, E and several from group B) are needed for proper nutrition of the various layers of the epidermis, activate metabolism, resume the production of collagen and elastin fibers, thanks to which recovery from acne occurs much faster;
  8. microelements (there are few of them in aloe, but they exist) are also active participants in the treatment of inflammation on the face;
  9. mineral salts are needed to maintain water-salt balance, violations of which most often lead to the formation of acne on the face.

Such a composition enriched with useful substances allows you to actively use aloe against acne both at home (for making masks) and on a more global scale (many cosmetic companies include the extract of this plant in their anti-inflammatory products).

But, before using agave as a medicine for rashes on the face, it is worth knowing one small but very important nuance. Aloin, which is contained in its leaves, is quite harmful in overdose. Therefore, regular or too frequent use of this indoor healer can harm not only the skin, but also the body. So first, it is advisable to study the list of contraindications.

Through the pages of history. According to ancient legend, Aristotle sent the Macedonian to capture the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean, where aloe grew in huge quantities. And the great commander did this only for the sake of the plant.


The high biological activity of the plant and the aloin contained in it make it necessary to handle this natural miracle healer with great care. To get rid of acne with the help of aloe and not suffer from such folk treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications for its use.

If the substances in its composition interfere with the functioning of cells, systems and organs whose functioning is impaired, this will lead to a deterioration in their condition. It is not recommended to apply aloe products to an inflamed face if the following points exist:

  1. period of the menstrual cycle;
  2. lactation;
  3. individual intolerance to aloe;
  4. hypertrichosis (excessive facial hair);
  5. pregnancy;
  6. telangiectasia, rosacea (spider veins).

Understand that aloe helps with acne only in the absence of contraindications for its external use as a therapeutic and cosmetic anti-inflammatory agent. Otherwise, over time (or immediately), the skin may react to such therapy with itching, swelling and irritation. So be extremely careful.

If nothing can stop you from enjoying the effects of this amazing plant, make a choice: will you buy a ready-made acne remedy with aloe extract or will you make your own homemade mask? For the first option, we have a small cosmetics rating for you.

Interesting fact. There are more than 200 species of aloe in nature.

Rating of cosmetics with aloe against acne

Get started aloe acne treatment from cosmetics containing an extract of this plant. A suitable option for those who do not have such a house friend on the windowsill or do not have the time to prepare a healing mask at home.

Many modern cosmetic brands have lines designed specifically for problem skin based on aloe vera (Aloe vera is listed in the composition). The products included in them can be purchased at the pharmacy (preferably) or store. We offer you a rating of such medicinal cosmetics against acne.

  1. Pure Eco Aloe Gel is an environmentally natural multifunctional cream-gel with aloe concentrate. Tony Moly. South Korea. $13.3.
  2. Cream mousse with hyaluronic acid and aloe leaf gel. Merz Special. Germany. $12.4.
  3. Multivitamin cream with aloe vera. New Line bark. Russia. $11.2.
  4. Moisturizing Nourishing cream Avocado & Aloe Vera - moisturizing and nourishing cream with avocado and aloe vera. Dr. Sea. Israel. $10.1.
  5. Aloe - serum-gel with aloe juice. Etude organix. South Korea. $9.8.
  6. Hydrate gel Aloe vera is an active moisturizing gel for problem skin. Gezanne Velona. Spain. $8.7.
  7. Jeju Aloe vera 95% soothing gel is a multifunctional facial gel with 95% aloe vera content. Royal Skin. South Korea. $7.3.
  8. Gentle cleansing - facial scrub with aloe vera gel. Malavit. Russia. $2.6.
  9. Cleansing nasal strips for acne and blackheads with activated charcoal and aloe vera extract. Propeller. Russia. $2.2.
  10. Clearwin is an Ayurvedic lotion for acne and skin blemishes with aloe vera extract. Fitosila-Bio. Russia. $1.

As you can see, modern manufacturers are very actively using aloe extract in anti-acne cosmetics. This once again proves how effective this remedy is in the fight against inflammation. But a store-bought product will never be 100% natural. In order to extend shelf life, preservatives are needed.

And for a pleasant aroma - fragrances. For an attractive color - dyes. Because of this, many women still prefer to make anti-inflammatory medicine with their own hands - without unnecessary harmful ingredients.

On a note. Aloe is a cactus in origin, so its true relatives are in deserts.

How to use aloe against acne?

Homemade masks with aloe against acne require a little more attention and time than similar products made from sour cream or honey. This is due to additional processing of raw materials and the presence of medicinal properties.

If you are taking on this task for the first time, keep the instructions below before your eyes and follow them. In the future, you will acquire all the necessary skills for preparing aloe masks and will do everything much faster, already by intuition.

Preparation of raw materials

  1. Cut off 5-6 lower leaves from the plant. Choose the most fleshy ones so that they are not rotten or yellow.
  2. Rinse them thoroughly with water.
  3. Dry.
  4. Wrap in gauze folded in 2-3 layers.
  5. Place in the side compartment of the refrigerator door for 2 weeks. This is necessary so that biological stimulants are released from the plant, allowing aloe removes acne (their purulent contents).
  6. After 2 weeks, cut the leaves lengthwise.
  7. Squeeze out the juice for compresses.
  8. Grind the pulp separately from the juice in a blender to prepare masks.

Facial skin preparation

  1. Wash your face using a cleansing gel from the anti-inflammatory series of cosmetics (the same Propeller).
  2. Steam your face in a herbal steam bath.
  3. Do not use scrubs or gommages.

Preparing a mask/compress

  1. Mix aloe pulp with other ingredients specified in the recipe, using a blender so that there are no lumps.
  2. Cosmetic and vegetable oils, dairy products and honey must first be heated until warm.


  1. You can simply wipe your face with aloe juice every day (locally for acne). You can make compresses based on it. You can add healing liquid to masks.
  2. Apply the product onto the face precisely - only on pimples.
  3. Action time: 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water, but without additional cleansers (foam, soap, gel).
  5. Apply an anti-inflammatory cream to your face (preferably from the same series as the gel/foam cleanser).
  6. It is advisable to do compresses and aloe masks against acne on the face once every 3 days.
  7. Course - 10 procedures. Interval - 2-3 weeks.

Such detailed instructions how to use Aloe for acne will help you get a very effective remedy for acne breakouts at home. Do recipes, look for the best option for your problem skin.

Variety of names. Aloe is called differently: agave, scarlet, alliance, prickly flower, doctor, tree of paradise, sabur.

Aloe Recipes

Several effective recipes for aloe masks and compresses for acne and acne will help you choose the right remedy.

For 2 weeks wipe your face with aloe juice twice a day.

  1. Softening mask with cream

Mix aloe juice and heavy cream, one tablespoon at a time.

  1. Drying mask with protein

Beat a tablespoon of aloe juice with 2 egg whites.

  1. Soothing herbal mask

Mix crushed linden flowers, rose petals, St. John's wort and chamomile in a tablespoon. Add a teaspoon of peppermint. Mix with 50 ml of aloe juice.

  1. Whitening mask with lemon

Mix 2 tablespoons of pureed aloe pulp and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

  1. Complex anti-inflammatory mask

Mix aloe juice, olive oil, honey, oatmeal by tablespoon.

  1. Treatment mask with honey

Mix 50 ml of warm honey with a tablespoon of aloe pulp.

  1. Cosmetic ice with aloe

Pour 2 tablespoons of aloe pulp into a glass of very warm water, cool for 4 hours. Pour into ice cube trays and leave in the freezer for a day. Apply daily to pimples.

  1. Aloe tincture

Pour vodka over the pureed pulp of the leaves (2 tablespoons glass). Cover up. Leave in a warm place for 5-7 days. Strain. Use the resulting lotion to wipe acne.

If you are faced with such a scourge, be sure to learn how to use aloe for acne at home, because this plant will cope with it quickly enough. You will notice the effect after the first procedure: the rashes will begin to dry out, and over time there will be fewer and fewer of them.

Complete a full course of anti-inflammatory masks - and there will be no residual effects from the rash. As a pleasant bonus, you will receive a healthy, beautiful complexion, lightening of age spots and a noticeable lifting of sagging skin.

Aloe is the only indoor flower that is bred not so much for interior decoration, but for the beneficial properties of this plant.

Aloe leaf juice can truly be called "universal medicine", which is used in various fields of medicine, including as an effective cosmetic product for the care of problem skin.

Aloe juice tones the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it, and also helps cope with pimples and acne.

Does aloe help with acne?

After just two or three hours, the juice becomes practically useless and cannot have the desired effect.

But fresh aloe juice is not only good for getting rid of small blackheads and small pimples: it can also draw out pus from inflamed pimples in just a few days.

Main – use the product in certain correct proportions.

If you do not grow indoor plants, you can purchase medicines that use aloe juice at any nearest pharmacy, but you should take into account the nuances:

  1. Only drugs containing more than 20% aloe juice will be effective against acne. All other remedies are suitable only as preventative measures.
  2. Medicines may contain other ingredients that cause allergic reactions.
  3. To combat acne, only the complex use of several pharmaceutical products based on aloe juice can help, which always leads to additional financial costs.

It follows that the best option would be to use natural aloe juice – it effectively fights pimples and acne and has virtually no side effects.

Beneficial properties of aloe juice

  1. vitamins A, E, B;
  2. beta-carotene;
  3. more than twenty amino acids;
  4. magnesium;
  5. iron;
  6. selenium;
  7. zinc;
  8. ascorbic acid;
  9. salicylic acid and many other compounds and elements.

Thanks to the presence of amino acids and healthy fats in the composition, pus is quickly drawn out from acne and the skin heals, and inflammation caused by such skin disorders quickly disappears.

In cosmetology practice, aloe juice is often used as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and even painkiller remedy, and when removing acne, all these properties of the plant are in demand.

Aloe juice, when used regularly and correctly, forms a protective film on the skin of the face, which protects tissues from the negative influence of the environment and harmful microorganisms - and these are the main factors contributing to the appearance of acne.

Use Cases

But using the juice, you can independently prepare various cosmetics to eliminate acne. But first you need to squeeze the juice correctly.

Firstly, the age of the plant itself must be at least three to four years - in young aloe, the concentration of nutrients has not yet reached the required level.

Second important point – There is no need to squeeze freshly cut leaves. They need to be carefully packed in foil (you can use food foil) or in a sealed plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator for ten to twelve days. During these days, the concentration of nutrients in the cut leaves increases, and after this period the juice can be squeezed out.

But this method is only suitable for prophylactic use, and not for full treatment.

The resulting aloe juice must be used within the next three hours. Based on it, you can quickly make the following cosmetic products for acne yourself:

The simplest option – make a lotion by mixing eight tablespoons of aloe juice with two tablespoons of pure medical alcohol. This lotion should be used to wipe acne in the morning and before bed, always after removing makeup and washing your face. This recipe may be ineffective in advanced and severe cases, when more radical measures in the form of compresses and masks are required.

Application of compresses

The simplest type of compress – a cut of a fresh leaf, which is applied directly to the pimples and fixed with a medical plaster, since the application is applied overnight.

Practice shows that in just two or three nights you can get rid of even the largest purulent acne in this way.

Such compress applied to acne for half an hour, while the procedure is performed daily for the first few days, and after a week, the application of compresses can be reduced to once every two days.

After another week, it is enough to use compresses twice a week.

The entire course of such treatment should consist of no more than thirty procedures.

Rubbing your face with aloe juice

The procedure is performed in the morning and before bedtime.

In this case, one important condition must be observed - there should be no makeup on the face.

One of the popular recipes is alcohol based lotion, however, it can be replaced with calendula tincture.

For two tablespoons of tincture, take eight of the same tablespoons of freshly squeezed aloe juice; the finished product can be stored in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed, airtight container. You can also try to treat purulent acne with the same remedy, but to do this, the proportions of the lotion need to be changed.

Calendula tincture and aloe juice are mixed in a one to one ratio, while the product is applied pointwise – with a cotton swab or cotton swab on each pimple separately.

  1. Several aloe leaves must be mashed and crushed until smooth.
  2. This material is poured with boiling water (100 milliliters is enough).
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and put on fire - the mixture should boil for about thirty minutes.
  4. Once completely cooled, the product can be applied to the skin; it is recommended to perform the procedure twice a day.

This decoction is desirable cook in small portions, which is enough for two or three uses. The remaining product can also be stored in the refrigerator until the next procedure.

Homemade mask of agave leaves or juice

This cosmetic product has a long-lasting effect and allows you not only to quickly deal with acne, but also provides the skin with nutrition and hydration.

One of the most common folk recipes is aloe juice mask with bee honey.

Aloe juice and bee honey are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2 and mixed thoroughly until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained, in which there should be no lumps.

Another version of this mask does not involve adding juice, but using crushed freshly cut aloe leaves, which must be thoroughly crushed to a liquid pulp and mixed with honey in the same proportions.

In this case, ten drops of hydrogen peroxide must be added to the finished mixture - it does not have any negative effect on the skin, but makes the resulting mass not so thick and makes it easier to apply the maxi to the skin.

Masks with honey are applied no more than once every seven days and last no more than 25 minutes.

If the mask begins to burn your face or tighten the skin too much, you can wash it off earlier. To remove the mask, use cosmetic milk.

Face masks

Maxi facials based on aloe juice do not require the use of “exotic” or rare ingredients, and the entire preparation process takes no more than an hour.

Exists a large number of recipes, in which different ingredients are mixed in different proportions, but masks with egg white and masks with cosmetic clay have long been recognized as the most famous and effective.

Aloe with egg white

To prepare this mask you need the following ingredients:

  1. one raw egg white, separated from the yolk;
  2. a tablespoon of aloe leaf pulp;
  3. lemon juice (teaspoon).

The protein must be thoroughly beaten, after which the pulp of aloe leaves and prepared lemon juice are added to it. All this mixed until smooth and apply to a face previously moistened with cool water. Wetting the skin is necessary so that the mass is applied easily and evenly. Due to the presence of protein, it turns out to be quite sticky, and it will not be possible to apply this composition in an even layer on dry skin.

After 15 minutes, the mask is removed in a special way. It is necessary to lightly pat the face, as a result of which fragments of the mask will stick to the fingers, and thus the mask is not only quickly and painlessly removed, but also the pores are cleansed due to the sharp separation of the composition from the skin.

Aloe mask with clay

Can be used as white, so blue clay.

To prepare the mask, only one tablespoon of clay is used, to which just enough aloe juice is added “by eye” so that when stirred, the result is a homogeneous mass, according to consistency close to cream: It should be viscous to stay on the face, but not very thick.

With the correct proportions, the mask should stay on the face for fifteen minutes without drying out. If the drying process begins earlier, the mask must be washed off.


It is generally accepted that contraindications to the use of aloe apply only to the internal use of preparations based on it, but external use in masks or as rubs can also have its consequences.

Before starting a course of treatment with aloe juice, It is recommended to be examined by an allergist, which will help to find out whether a person has an individual intolerance to the juice of this plant.

Also in rare cases allergic reactions are possible.

If there are no such problems, there is always a possibility that aloe juice may cause discomfort And irritation. In such cases, it is not necessary to refuse to use aloe juice, but it is better to reduce its concentration in the above recipes to a level at which such sensations do not occur.