Alopecia Traumatic

Traumatic alopecia is a relatively rare hair loss condition that is characterized by sudden, severe hair loss from areas of the body. The disease can occur in men and women, and is most common in adolescents. The causes of this form of baldness are usually unknown, although it is associated with injury.

Traumatic alopecia (atraumatic alopecia) is alopecia in which dandruff is not detected, with the exception of the papillae of the basement membrane; the disease is severe, long-lasting, and can sometimes spread to the occipital region.


The atrophic form of alopeia is associated with a decrease in the amount of hair not only on the head and body, but also on the face (feet, palms). The causes may be:

1. Nutritional factor – chronic stress or prolonged lack of vitamin B6. 2. Some diseases of the nervous system, atherosclerosis. 3. Inflammatory bowel diseases.