
Country of origin: Russia, Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology Russia, Organika Russia

Pharm-Group: Tranquilizers - benzodiazepine derivatives

Manufacturers: State Plant of Medicinal Products/Research Institute of OHT (Russia), Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology (Russia), Organika (Russia)

International name: Alprazolam

Synonyms: Alzolam, Zoldak, Kassadan, Xanax, Xanax retard, Lamoz, Neurol, Frontin, Helex

Dosage forms: tablets 1 mg, tablets 0.25 mg

Composition: Active ingredient - alprazolam.

Indications for use: Neuroses and psychopathy, accompanied by feelings of fear, anxiety, restlessness; reactive depressive states, panic disorder, withdrawal syndrome in patients with alcoholism and drug addiction.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, acute liver and kidney diseases, myasthenia gravis, pregnancy and lactation. Restrictions on use. Open-angle glaucoma, chronic renal and/or liver failure, alcoholic liver damage.

Side effects: Nausea, constipation, drowsiness, dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, dysmenorrhea, decreased libido, itching, addiction, withdrawal syndrome.

Interaction: Enhances the effect of neuroleptics, hypnotics, narcotics, analgesics and alcohol.

Overdose: No data available.

Special instructions: Prescribe with caution to patients whose work requires increased attention and reaction speed.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2004