
Amelia is a congenital absence of arms or legs due to intrauterine developmental defects. This fetal anomaly is often associated with taking thalidomide in early pregnancy.

Amelia is characterized by the complete absence of limbs. This could be missing both arms, both legs, one arm and one leg, or any other combination. Amelia is caused by impaired development of the limbs in the early stages of the embryonic period.

The most well-known factor that causes amelia is thalidomide, a drug that was prescribed to pregnant women as a sedative and anti-morning drug in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. Thalidomide has caused multiple fetal malformations, including amelia. After the teratogenic effect was discovered, the drug was banned.

Other possible causes of amelia include genetic mutations, vascular disorders, infections, and exposure to toxins. Diagnosis is based on identifying the absence of limbs during ultrasound examination of the fetus. Treatment depends on the extent of the lesion and includes prosthetics, surgical correction and rehabilitation.

Amelia is a name that has become popular in recent years. It is of Greek origin and means “serene” or “calm.” This name is often associated with beauty, tenderness and femininity.

Amelia is also a symbol of hope and faith. In the Bible, Amelia was the mother of the prophet Elijah, who was God's messenger. She was a very pious woman and always followed God's commandment.

In literature and art, the name Amelia is often used to create the image of an ideal woman. For example, in the novel “Amelia,” the author Jane Austen describes the heroine as an intelligent, beautiful and kind woman. She is also a symbol of women's independence and freedom.

In addition, the name Amelia became popular thanks to actress Amelia Warnes, who played the main role in the film “Amelia”. This film tells the story of a young woman who fights for her dream and is not afraid to take risks.

Thus, the name Amelia has a rich history and symbolism that makes it attractive to many people. It can be a great choice for those looking for a name that reflects their character and values.


Amelia is a rare congenital disorder characterized by the absence of limbs or parts thereof, which usually affects the lower limbs and is due to various developmental defects. This anomaly may be caused by reasons such as taking thalidomide drugs during pregnancy or other abnormalities in intrauterine life.


The disease is a rare and severe pathology. Symptoms may include missing limbs, abnormal teeth and jaws, and decreased vision. Amelia can affect one limb or both. The patient may also have facial abnormalities, heart and lung problems, neurodevelopmental defects, and problems with vision, hearing, and speaking.


The causes of amelia are not entirely clear, but there are several known risk factors. These include medications (thalidomide during pregnancy), viral infections such as rubella, rubella-like infections and syphilis, radiation and other conditions. It may also be due to inadequate nutrition of the mother, poor quality of medical services or lack of medical education among employees, which complicates diagnosis and treatment.

The manifestation of amelia may depend