Amigina Symptom

Amijina Symptom: Description, causes and treatment

Amidzhin's symptom is a medical term named after the modern Bulgarian neurologist S. Amidzhin. In this article, we will look at a detailed description of this symptom, its possible causes and treatments.

Amygina symptom usually manifests itself as a neurological disorder, causing various symptoms and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. It can be associated with various neurological diseases and conditions, such as migraine, neuralgia, neuritis and some other pathologies.

Signs of amijin symptom may vary depending on the individual case, but include the following general symptoms:

  1. Painful sensations: Patients may experience sharp or dull pain in various parts of the body such as the head, neck, back, limbs and others.

  2. Numbness or tingling sensation: This is a condition in which patients feel a tingling, numbness or “dead” sensation in certain areas of the body.

  3. Muscle weakness: Some patients may experience muscle weakness, which can make it difficult to move and perform daily tasks.

  4. Sensory disturbances: This may include changes or loss of sensation to temperature, touch, or painful stimuli.

The causes of the amijin symptom can be varied and depend on the underlying neurological disease or condition. Some of the possible reasons include the following:

  1. Neuropathy: This is the general name for disorders of the nervous system that can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, infection, autoimmune diseases and diabetes.

  2. Migraine: Chronic headaches that can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, including aura, which is a temporary neurological disturbance before the onset of a migraine.

  3. Neuralgia: This is a condition in which sharp and intense pain occurs along the path of one or more nerves.

  4. Neuritis: Inflammatory processes affecting the nerves, which can cause pain, numbness and weakness in the affected areas of the body.

Treatment for the amigin symptom depends on its cause and may involve different approaches. Patients may be prescribed medications to relieve pain and improve nervous system function. Physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture and other physical therapy techniques may also be recommended to relieve symptoms and improve overall health.

It is important to note that each case of amijin symptom is unique, and it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination and consultation with a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and development of an individual treatment plan.

In conclusion, amigina symptom is a neurological disorder that presents with various symptoms including pain, numbness, muscle weakness and sensory disturbances. Its causes can be varied, and treatment depends on the underlying neurological disease. Early consultation with a doctor and a comprehensive examination will help determine the cause of symptoms and develop an effective treatment plan for each patient.

Amidzhin is a symptom of a disorder of cerebral circulatory function as epileptiform psychosis. Present attacks take place in the stage of slow-wave sleep, they usually begin with motor disturbances - difficulty turning the head, impaired consciousness, and “headache” and “nausea” are often noted. Patients move by touch, grasping surrounding objects with their hands, staggering, making jerky movements. Attack amnesia is characterized by higher preservation of the patient’s immediate environment, with the exception of the plot or event that immediately preceded the illness. Psychosensory disorders (“bad head”, disturbance of consciousness by “clusters of painful mnemonic images”), individual parts of the body acquire a chimerical shade: the arm seems short and the leg long. The patient touches his hands and tries to raise his legs. A characteristic reaction is paralysis of the arms when attempting to move the arms to the sides, a state of motor numbness and simultaneous fluttering of the limbs with impaired kinesthesia and sensitivity. During this period, movement disorders are also observed, reminiscent of sleepwalking attacks: unusual

__Abstract__ Amigina symptom is a research method that is used to diagnose diseases of the nervous system. Also known as the Amijin symptom, it characterizes the presence of a homolateral clonus opposite the inferolateral ponticulus of the body, and is one of three techniques that may indicate the presence of acute ischemia of the internal capsule of not only the affected, but also the contralateral cerebral hemisphere. The symptom was described in 1947 by the Ukrainian neurologist, academician Andrei Kirillovich Rylsky in honor of assist