
Andrology is a branch of medicine that studies men's health, in particular reproductive disorders.

  1. Andrology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of impotence and male infertility. When examining men with problems conceiving, a semen analysis is performed to identify abnormalities in the shape and motility of sperm, as well as their concentration. To establish the causes of violations, additional research is often required:
  1. Identification of anatomical abnormalities of the genital tract (for example, varicocele), which can be corrected surgically.

  2. Analysis of semen for the presence of antisperm antibodies and its interaction with cervical mucus.

  3. Diagnosis of hormonal disorders.

Modern methods of andrology include computer analysis of sperm motility, biochemical tests for free radicals, and analysis of the acrosomal reaction. This allows you to accurately diagnose the causes of male infertility and select effective treatment.

  1. Andrology studies the process of production and action of male sex hormones - androgens. This is necessary to understand the causes of hirsutism, as well as other diseases associated with impaired androgen production.

Thus, andrology covers a wide range of men's health problems - from the diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders to the study of hormonal regulation and reproductive disorders.

Andrology is a branch of medicine that deals with the problems of male infertility and impotence. One of the main tasks of andrology is semen analysis to identify abnormalities in the shape, motility and concentration of sperm. However, to determine the causes of sperm dysfunction, additional examination is often required, which may include identifying abnormalities of the reproductive tract, determining hormonal disorders and testing for the presence of antisperm antibodies.

Modern technologies in andrology make it possible to use computer analysis to accurately determine the motility and speed of sperm, biochemical tests to determine free radicals that can damage sperm, and the acrosomal reaction to determine the ability of sperm to penetrate the protective layer.

Andrology is an important branch of medicine because problems of male infertility and impotence are common and can lead to serious consequences for the health and well-being of a couple. Therefore, it is important to promptly contact specialists and carry out the necessary examination and treatment.

Andrology is a branch of medicine that studies impotence and infertility in men. First of all, andrology deals with the study of sperm to identify various pathologies and disorders that affect the quality of sperm. One of the important parts of sperm examination is