
Antazoline: description, use and side effects

Antazoline is a short-acting antihistamine drug that is used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. It is taken orally and has the ability to reduce various symptoms of allergies, such as itching, runny nose and watery eyes.

A feature of antazoline is that it is less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract than other antihistamines. Therefore, when taking it, side effects associated with the gastrointestinal tract are less likely to occur.

However, like other antihistamines, antazoline can cause side effects such as increased drowsiness, dizziness and loss of coordination. It is worth remembering that these effects may be enhanced by simultaneous use of alcohol or other sleeping pills.

Antazoline may also cause allergic reactions in some people. If a rash, itching, or swelling of the lips, tongue, larynx, or respiratory tract occurs while taking antazoline, consult a doctor immediately.

The trade name of antazoline is Otrivine-Antistin. It is available in tablet and capsule form for oral administration. The dosage and duration of use should be determined only by a doctor, based on the characteristics of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Overall, antazoline is an effective antihistamine that can help reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. However, like any other medication, it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the prescribed dosages.

Antazoline: description, use and side effects

Antazoline is an antihistamine drug that is used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. The drug belongs to the group of first generation antihistamines and has a short-term effect.

The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. Antazoline works by blocking histamine receptors, which leads to a reduction in the symptoms of allergic reactions such as itching, runny nose and watery eyes.

One of the advantages of antazoline over other antihistamines is that it is less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. However, like any other drug, it can cause unwanted side effects.

The most common side effects when taking antazoline include increased drowsiness, dizziness, and loss of coordination. These effects may be enhanced by concomitant use of alcohol or other sleeping pills.

Taking antazoline is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for children under 12 years of age. The drug should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the instructions.

The trade name of antazoline is Otrivine-Antistin.

In conclusion, Antazoline is an antihistamine drug that is used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. It has a short-term effect and may cause unwanted side effects such as increased drowsiness, dizziness and loss of coordination. The drug should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the instructions.

Antazoline: description, use and side effects

Antazoline is a short-acting antihistamine that is used to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. Antazoline is less likely to irritate the gastrointestinal tract than other antihistamines, making it preferable in some cases.

The main active ingredient of antazoline is a histamine receptor antagonist. Histamine is a substance that is produced in response to allergens and causes symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, runny nose and red eyes. Antazoline blocks the action of histamine, which leads to a reduction in these symptoms.

Antazoline is taken orally and is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It reaches maximum concentration in the blood 1-2 hours after administration and remains in the body for several hours.

Like other antihistamines, antazoline may cause side effects such as increased drowsiness, dizziness, and loss of coordination. These effects may be enhanced by concomitant use of alcohol or other drugs that also cause drowsiness. More serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, heart problems and blurred vision, are also possible. Therefore, before using antazoline, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow the dosage and administration recommendations.

The trade name of antazoline is Otrivine-Antistin. It is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but before you start using it, you should always consult your doctor, especially if you have any chronic diseases or if you are taking other medications.

In conclusion, antazoline is a short-acting antihistamine that may be effective in treating the symptoms of allergic reactions. It has its own side effects that must be taken into account when using it, so it is recommended to consult a specialist before starting use.