Anti-cellulite body oil

Any woman or girl has at least once worried about cellulite. That is why the demand for anti-cellulite products is very high. But since there are so many of them on the market, it is always difficult to choose the right one.

The remedy that is most effective for the so-called “orange peel” on the skin is oils. To rid the body of cellulite, almost anything, even hard ones, is suitable. Let's look at what they are.


  1. From grapes;
  2. From castor oil;
  3. From coconut;
  4. From almonds;
  5. From burdock;
  6. From sesame;
  7. From avocado;
  8. Ginger;
  9. Argan;
  10. From pumpkin seeds;
  11. From wheat germ;
  12. And it all ends with linseed oil.

These are base oils and are most effective when applied in larger quantities than essential oils. Such products contain B vitamins, as well as A, E, F.


  1. Orange oil;
  2. Grapefruit;
  3. From rosemary;
  4. Lavender;
  5. Sage oil;
  6. Birch.

Most often these are plant concentrates, so the smell is quite persistent and you need to drip them a little into the chosen cosmetic product.

Application for cellulite

The following oils are most effective in combating skin imperfections:

  1. Citrus. Orange, lemon, tangerine or grapefruit. They can also be used for massage. With prolonged use, fats are broken down, cellular regeneration is stimulated and the body becomes elastic and smooth;

  1. Cinnamon, rosemary, sage and thyme. They warm up the skin perfectly and have a good effect on blood circulation and metabolic processes. Helps loose skin tighten;

  1. Geranium, lavender and sandalwood. They act on the body by stimulating cell division, as a result of which dead particles disappear and the skin becomes smoother.

  1. Grapefruit oil is one of the best and most effective. Moreover, it not only gives the skin smoothness, but also protects the body from viruses and helps to relax. The easiest and most pleasant way to use it is to take a hot bath and add five drops of a fragrant product. You can also add lemon and rosemary oil to the bath, but in this case the number of drops should be reduced.

Another pleasant bath includes a liter of warmed milk with two spoons of honey and two drops of grapefruit oil. You need to lie in such a bath for no more than twenty minutes, and then wipe yourself dry with a towel.

  1. Orange oil is great for massage. Perfectly relaxes and helps relieve fatigue. Therefore, it’s a sin here not to combine business with pleasure – get rid of cellulite and stretch your muscles. For the best effect, an oil mixture is suitable. For example, grape seed oil along with a drop of patchouli, geranium and orange oils.

Before the massage, you should warm up the body a little, that is, walk over it with your hands, paying special attention to the abdomen and thighs - this is where you should start the massage. After a few minutes, you can treat the body a little more harshly, “knead” it and remember that redness is normal, but still you should not lead to bruises. This kind of massage should be done for no more than fifteen minutes and, if sessions are carried out regularly, the result will become visible quite soon.

  1. Rosemary acts not only as an anti-cellulite agent, but also rejuvenates the skin by strengthening blood vessels. In addition, it takes care of protecting the immune system, relieves spasms, has an excellent effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces fatigue and treats varicose veins. Its oil has a better effect on the thighs and abdomen and is more effective as a mask or scrub.

You can prepare the product at home, especially since the recipe is quite simple. Use a fork to turn one soft avocado into a pulp, then add one or two tablespoons of white clay and a few drops of rosemary and lemon oils. The method of application is very simple - you just need to apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the abdomen and thighs, then wrap it with film and put on tight pants. After thirty minutes, rinse thoroughly and dry the skin with a towel.

There is also a massage involving cupping. In this case, it is worth moving the jar along the surface in a circular motion - carefully and gently.

Making cream with mumiyo is useful and inexpensive. You can do it yourself and the process will not take much time. You will need any regular cream, you will need to add two mummy tablets, ten drops of orange and juniper oil and three drops of cinnamon oil. Then mix and use.

Spring and summer are coming! - I would like to remind you. So put the bun and chocolate aside and let’s talk to you about how to lose weight and get prettier so that you can flaunt in beautiful sundresses, and not hide your “fat body in the rocks” when summer suddenly happens to us.

Over the course of several months, I tried different body oils - different brands, different price categories, and I want to say that, in my opinion, my skin, especially now, in winter, loves oils much more and reacts better to them. Exactly which oils my body fell in love with and how much it cost me is in this article.

I thought like this and pulled myself together again and started losing weight, because I was no longer going anywhere. I’ve already lost as much as 2 kilograms in three weeks, but I still have to lose weight and lose weight. I don’t even know when so much fat managed to stick to me. But now I go to training intensively and count calories.

I’ll probably tell you about this whole story separately, I’ll tell you what I eat, what I do. But for now the results are small, I won’t be too encouraging, because... nothing much to brag about. Last year I made big promises, but I still couldn’t overcome my “cookie addiction”. Now we have to fix it.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the body is a very important process in itself, and when losing weight, it becomes doubly important.

Firstly, because you are losing weight, your skin loses its elasticity and needs to be helped, respectively, by nourishing and moisturizing it. Even if you take vitamins internally, Omega fatty acids and drink enough clean water, cream or oil rubbed into the skin will not be superfluous at all

Secondly, self-massage with oils and creams is one of the most effective and simple means in the fight against cellulite.

Thirdly, our skin dries on its own, which means it needs support. Therefore, even if you have already lost weight, or are not even going to lose weight, it is highly advisable to use oils and creams for the skin of the body.

Body oil Banka Agafya

I'll start with the oil I most often buy from an inexpensive Agafya's grandmothers (which, however, in a few months ceased to be inexpensive and from the summer 56 rubles per bottle went up to 120 rubles.

Of the entire series of body oils from Grandma Agafya, I love this firming oil the most. Of all those presented in this test drive, it is the heaviest, quite greasy and thick, but this does not upset me. You can even apply this oil to yourself in the shower, and then calmly dry yourself with a towel and you won’t have to moisturize your skin anymore, despite the fact that in winter I dry like in the desert.

One of the two oils presented, packaged in a plastic bottle. I know that oils, especially natural ones, are better stored in glass. But these oils last longer in plastic. Its aroma is simple and unpretentious, so quite often I enrich this oil with various essential oils.

I wouldn’t risk putting on silk dresses immediately after applying this oil, but I probably wouldn’t risk doing this with any other oils. In general, the oil is not bad, it’s a pity that the price has risen so sharply. Unfortunately, there are more and more unpleasant surprises with prices.

Price - 56-120 rubles. (something like this at the moment)

Body oil Clarins Clarins “Tonic” Body Treatment Oil and Huile “Anti-Eau”

Another favorite oil from Clarens, which I had in two versions.

What can I say, with it the skin becomes silky and moisturized literally in an instant.

Tonic oil from Clarins has more than once saved me from dry skin after long flights; I love it for its pleasant texture and light, recognizable aroma. Very pleasant and unlike anything else.

Anti-cellulite oil Anti-Eau, although specialized, I did not notice any global difference between it and Tonic. Both oils soften and moisturize the skin well, which means that immediately after use, the skin on the body looks smoother and more elastic.

I like the scent of Tonic better, that’s all the choice and preferences.

I would love to use these oils more often, but it is an expensive pleasure, only from time to time.

Weleda body oils

I also came across the famous anti-cellulite birch oil from Weleda. And out of curiosity, to understand how and how these oils differ, I even ordered the entire range of oils in the Weleda set at iherbto try and decide what I like best about them.

Of course, Weleda oils are good. Natural compositions, a very delicate texture that is quickly absorbed and as much as the oil can leave no traces, there are no traces left from Weleda oil.

To be honest, I still don’t understand how they differ from each other, the effect is generally similar. Apparently, they differ from each other only in the aromatic oils that they contain.

Somehow, I can only single out “Birch Oil” from this whole composition, because I used it longer than all the others. And the oil with Wild Rose essential oil, it is very “tasty”.

The remaining oils did not leave any bright impressions. It seems to me that if you add essential oils to birch oil to taste (from orange to lavender), you can achieve the same effect as with the oils separately.

My summary - choose Weleda oil based on its aroma; apart from it, I did not notice any other differences between these oils.

Volume — set 10 ml x 6 pcs; full 100 ml (sometimes 200 ml)

Price — the set costs $12, 100 ml about $20

Grade: 5

Anti-cellulite body oil Aromacosmetics "Galenopharm"

Anti-cellulite oil from GalenoPharm captivated me at first sight when we first met in one of the city’s pharmacies.

Firstly, the price, 240 rubles for 200 ml, here you could take a risk and buy this thing to try.

Secondly, a fairly large volume in a decent glass bottle (no worse than a luxury one).

Thirdly, it smells breathtakingly of citrus and has a natural composition, in which there is even a place for seaweed. In general, just a storehouse of benefits and benefits!

In terms of texture and properties, this oil is in no way inferior to luxury Clarins and natural Weleda.

I love the oil from GalenoPharm so much and I don’t mind it so much, because it’s inexpensive, that I gladly use this oil on my whole body, and not just on “problem areas.”

Cannaderm hemp oil

I bought Cannaderm hemp oil out of curiosity and because the Organic Shop consultant recommended it to me because it was of high quality and that this oil was even used in child care.

But, alas, it did not live very long. This oil lasted me for a couple of weeks, and then a terrible thing happened, one not very wonderful evening, I was applying the oil to my body, for a moment, the oil slipped out of my wet, oily hands and I had to pick up the shards from the tiles and wipe off the greasy oil stains from all surfaces In bathroom. (that’s why I don’t like glass bottles in the bathroom, no matter how “correct” they are)

I don’t know how popular this oil is in child care and how beneficial it is. But the oil has a rather pronounced and not very pleasant aroma. Which seemed acceptable to me in the store, but when I applied it to myself at night, I couldn’t sleep and had a headache the next morning. I even wanted to go and wash off this oil to get rid of this obsessive smell. Perhaps it was only me that had this effect.

In general, I was even a little happy when it broke. Because Because of my stinginess, I would hardly throw away the oil for 600 rubles, but would continue to torment myself with it.

Anti-cellulite oil Natura Siberica

It’s no coincidence that this oil has such a package that looks like a bomb! Not by chance! Although this thought came to me later, when I, as usual, applied a handful of this oily nuclear liquid to my wet body after a bath.

At first it was normal, but then, in a moment, my skin burst into flames and involuntary tears flowed from my eyes. The feeling was like after the first spoon of real Thai Tom Yam soup.

In general, this pleasure is for masochists and nothing more. Surely this oil with its warming effect is beneficial for the skin and the fat underneath it, but somehow this effect is too much in it, in my opinion. With the same pleasure, I could whip myself with rods every night. But somehow I don’t really want to.

Volume — 300 ml

Price - about 300 rub.

Grade: 3-

General conclusions and choosing the best body oil

In general, as you can understand, I am not indifferent to oils at all, I actively use them in my care.

I will name the winner and champions in this race this oil - from GalenoPharm. I like it in all respects and points.

But to prevent the same thing from happening to him that happened to hemp oil, I now pour it into a plastic bottle for the bathroom. And on my bedside table there is a bottle in glass.

The main thing now is for me to remember to use oils and get less carried away with cookies. And positive results will still overtake me someday

Can you tell us what oils or creams you use for body care?

Characteristics in the rating

1 Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil Better efficiency
2 Beauty Style Tonus + Anti-cellulite Quickly get rid of cellulite
3 New Line Versatility of use
4 Natura Siberica Thick Siberian white oil Optimal combination of price and quality
5 Mirrolla Affordable price

The struggle for a beautiful, ideal body is often not complete without auxiliary cosmetic products. Despite hard training and a strict diet, the one ailment that girls find most difficult to cope with is cellulite. A natural accumulation of fatty layers is present in the body of any woman; this is caused by a special hormonal background, which in the long term helps with bearing and giving birth to a child. Despite the presence of cellulite even on the bodies of popular actresses and top models, many girls set out to completely get rid of it. In this case, special care products come to the rescue, and one of the most popular is oil.

With the help of a special formula of an anti-cellulite product, it becomes possible to carry out a warming massage that increases blood flow to imperfect areas. Such procedures help in destroying the “orange peel”. This, in turn, will occur actively and quickly, especially if you combine it with fat-burning training and diet. It is quite difficult to choose the most effective product, so we have compiled a rating of the 5 best anti-cellulite oils that you can use before purchasing.

TOP 5 best anti-cellulite oils

5 Mirrolla

This inexpensive pharmaceutical product has a favorable combination of production volume and price. The product itself is designed for massage. It is known that this procedure significantly speeds up metabolic processes and blood supply to areas with cellulite, thereby helping the body get rid of them as quickly as possible. A composition of medicinal oils and modern perfume compositions helps not only to achieve softness and elasticity of the dermis, but also to enjoy a pleasant smell. The company calls the resulting effect “cashmere” - the texture of the leather will resemble an expensive material. The composition contains large quantities of kelp and fucus. These marine components are rich in iodine and speed up metabolic processes. Rosemary in the base helps get rid of sagging.

In general, the product receives positive reviews. It is considered a pleasant addition to active weight loss training. Due to its inexpensive price and availability, it can be purchased by all girls who want to get rid of cellulite. However, in advanced cases, the use of the sample may not have any positive effect on the “orange peel”. It effectively deals with only minimal fat deposits.

4 Natura Siberica Thick Siberian white oil

The top represents a product from a popular domestic brand of organic cosmetics and household products. This particular sample is available in a semi-solid buttercream format. The tube contains a white composition that melts on the skin and is quickly absorbed. The product is manufactured using the latest technology with a base made of natural beeswax. In addition to it, the active components will be eight natural oils straight from Siberia. This composition has incredible nourishing, moisturizing and softening properties, and also helps to smooth the skin and get rid of cellulite. Extracts and oils of coniferous trees fight sagging epidermis, help restore blood circulation and elasticity. The composition is also enriched with components from lemongrass, which is rich in vitamin C.

According to reviews, the product is appreciated by girls who prefer not to spend a lot of money on cosmetics. The affordable price allows almost everyone to acquire a sample. However, due to the content of a large amount of pine oils and extracts, there is a possibility of developing an allergy to the components.

3 New Line

An effective and versatile product, which occupies an honorable place in the rating, is available in a convenient bottle with a dispenser. Such packaging can easily help with proper dosage of the composition for massage. As the name suggests, the oil is suitable for the entire body. This means that when purchasing it, you can save a fairly large amount of money that would have to be spent on a separate product for the face. The composition of a special complex of essential and vegetable oils well moisturizes and nourishes the skin. It will also help restore lost elasticity, add shine, and soften dry areas. The main thing is that New Line has a lifting effect. This means that after its use you can expect the elimination of cellulite and overall tightening of the skin. Orange and lemon oils are responsible for this in the formula.

In general, the product is well-deservedly popular. Girls appreciate the best combination of quality products for salon care and a favorable price. The oil, however, has prescribed contraindications that may reduce the number of its consumers. First of all, allergy sufferers should pay close attention to the composition. They are prohibited from using the product.

2 Beauty Style Tonus + Anti-cellulite

The best product for daily massage. The product has a pleasant warm aroma of spices that will help you warm up after a long winter day. During self-massage, the product will ensure the creation of an ideal sliding surface. With its help, you can carry out a procedure to strengthen and normalize the tone of the vascular walls. Moreover, the manufacturer guarantees the removal of toxins from the body, reduction of muscle pain after workouts, relief from fatigue syndrome and overall nutrition and hydration of the skin. A big plus will be the absence of couperose effect when using the product. Thanks to its special composition, the product also has an anti-cellulite effect.

Reviews generally confirm the effectiveness of the oil. The sample has a relaxing scent of ginger and cinnamon. Thanks to its warming effect, the product quickly copes with the “orange peel” problem. Girls notice that the oil can easily replace a moisturizing fluid for the body, since it is quite nutritious. However, there are also disadvantages. Such an effective product is very difficult to find on store shelves.

1 Weleda Birch Cellulite Oil

The product from an American company that produces organic cosmetics consists of 100% natural ingredients and extracts. Thanks to its formula, it blocks possible manifestations of cellulite, and also gets rid of existing “orange peels”. After use, the appearance of the skin improves in almost minutes. If you perform a light massage every day after use, the metabolic processes in the subcutaneous adipose tissue will accelerate, and blood circulation will increase and improve. The main active component here is young birch leaves. Thanks to their natural properties, it is possible to activate the stimulation of microdrainage and metabolism, as well as increase the rate of removal of toxins from the body.

Reviews from women confirm the effectiveness of the product. In addition to the pronounced anti-cellulite effect, its owners also appreciate the invigorating citrus aroma. The downside may be the low availability of the product. This refers to the price-volume ratio, as well as the prevalence and representation of the brand on store shelves in Russia.