Anti-cellulite cream at home reviews

I’ll say right away that with my height of 165 cm and weight 52 kg, I HAD quite pronounced cellulite! I did cupping massage for 2 months, every day for 20 minutes. BUT everything remained unchanged ((
So! Month. and he is no more! I alternated between a honey massage day and a cupping day (20-30 minutes a day). After the honey massage, I take a contrast shower with a scrub (mix ground coffee with shower gel). Twice a week I take a bath in essential oils (juniper, orange) . In addition to all this, I excluded sugar, sweets, flour, too much salt, coffee. I wouldn’t say that I’m eating healthy, but still. I drink a lot of green tea.
Well, it seems like everything)) Result: the butt is toned, elastic, without dimples! My pride! I wish everyone good luck. Your text, if it’s not a secret, how long did it take you to completely delete it??

Girls, I’m very glad that I reduced this infection!))))

I finally found a recipe for getting rid of cellulite! For the first time in my life I am leaving my review on the Internet, because... I think it can be useful to many. I am a lazy person by nature, but hardy. Those. I’m too lazy to stick to a daily diet and go to the pool and gym, and I don’t have time. But all kinds of burning creams, rubbing, kneading and massages with my husband’s strong hands, injecting ozone in huge portions... HORROR. It hurts, it’s a waste of money, but there’s no point!
I am not inclined to be overweight: I am 35 years old, weight 55 kg with a height of 165 cm, but my legs and hips were in terrible lumps, completely jelly. I walked around exclusively in trousers, now I’ve completely forgotten about them. I wear dresses and skirts and I’m happy, I’m a woman.
1. Vibrating massage belt (approx. 2,500 rubles) (it’s very pleasant in the evening, after a delicious dinner, to lie on the sofa, watch TV and alternately apply the belt to your calves, thighs, buttocks, even to your feet) for no more than 30 minutes in total.
2. Fucus - algae (approx. 80 rubles in the pharmacy 36.6) I drink 1/2 tsp once a day at lunch.
3. Laminaria - also seaweed - I sometimes drink in the evening as a cleanser.
Nothing bothers you, and algae is very beneficial for the whole body. You just need to learn how to drink them
And in order to lose weight, I know that the “Lose Weight in a Week” suitcases from Leovit are very helpful (my sister really lost weight)

There are many such topics here, excuse me for repeating myself, but let’s now talk not about how and how you can get rid of it, but about those who REALLY got rid of it! Are there any such things at all? Otherwise, in other topics they only write advice about cellulite, but I haven’t seen a single message from those who have completely gotten rid of it.

I got rid of cellulite! Now I will describe in detail how this is done.
Take a small amount of honey (natural, not crystallized) and apply it to the problem area (stomach, thighs, buttocks, etc.), having first measured the volume of this area in cm. Rub the honey evenly over the skin. Next, with smooth movements, you glue the palm of your hand to the skin and sharply peel it off. At first, the hand will easily “come off”, but when the honey is absorbed into the skin, it will become more and more painful (tolerable).
After some time, you will see that a white coating will appear on the surface of the skin - this is subcutaneous fat! It will become more and more, you will see how it will begin to remain on your hands and the honey will lose its effect. Wash everything off your skin. Take a meter and measure the circle. At least minus 3 cm! Everything took no more than 20 minutes.
The next day, repeat the procedure, but it is possible that after it the volume of the problem area will become larger, not smaller - this is a slight swelling, it will go away in a couple of days.
In short, do this for 5-6 days or 14-15 (every other day) and you will be satisfied with the result.
I wish you success and results!
This is really true. I’m tormented by vague doubts that this is how the fat comes out right away)

24. It was the case - I never took contraceptives, but there was always cellulite and my hair always fell out. So don't talk bullshit.

Website about weight loss, healthy lifestyle and self-care

It is very easy to prepare cellulite cream at home. The most important thing is that this cream is much more effective than store-bought products. Anti-cellulite cream prepared according to this recipe will show the first results within a week. Homemade anti-cellulite cream is the ideal remedy to combat orange peel, and it also helps get rid of stretch marks. In this article I will describe not only the recipe for making homemade cellulite cream, but also reviews of girls who tried it on themselves.

Homemade cellulite cream

— Baby cream (any);
— Mumiyo tablets;
— Orange oil;
— Juniper oil;
— Cinnamon oil;

Baby cream is best suited for preparing homemade anti-cellulite cream, because it does not contain any harmful impurities, it has an ideal composition in terms of fat content and moisture content.

Shilajit tablets are very often used in the fight not only against cellulite, but also against stretch marks. Mumiyo tightens the skin, increases its elasticity, and also makes it soft and silky.

Citrus essential oils are often used in the fight against cellulite; this can be said to be the direct purpose of these oils. So you can choose lemon, orange or lime oil yourself. Citrus oils smooth the skin, increase its elasticity, and also saturate the skin with beneficial substances.

Juniper oil has antiseptic properties, and also eliminates sagging skin, increases its elasticity, eliminates stretch marks and cellulite.

Cinnamon not only has a pleasant smell, but is also very effective in combating orange peel.

The preparation of the cream itself is very simple. Squeeze baby cream into a small jar with a lid, preferably a volume of at least 200 mg. Then, crush a couple of mummy tablets and pour them into this jar. Add 10 drops of orange or any other citrus oil. 10 drops of juniper oil. And no more than 5 drops of cinnamon oil, for example, I don’t really like this smell and only add 1 drop. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and the anti-cellulite cream is ready. Don't forget to close it after each use.

To achieve the best effect, homemade anti-cellulite cream should be rubbed into problem areas of the skin daily, using massaging movements. The first results are noticeable within a week.

Reviews that I found on forums, as well as reviews from my friends:

Review 1 “I can’t stand the smell of cinnamon, so I made the cream without this oil, but the result still impressed me. Within a week, cellulite disappeared and the skin became soft and silky. My MCH appreciated it and said that the skin is soft and pleasant to the touch.”
Review 2 “I have been using the cream for 1 month, I had very strong cellulite, now it has almost disappeared, in addition to the cream I do a honey massage. I add lime oil to the cream, not orange.”
Review 3 “I’ve been rubbing the cream in every day for 2 weeks now, cellulite is dissolving, but there are no stretch marks (((it’s a pity. Cellulite doesn’t bother me as much as stretch marks, but at least I’ll get rid of it"
Review 4 “Stretch marks have become less noticeable, cellulite is gone, I will continue to apply it, I want the stretch marks to go away. I’ve been applying it for a month now, but not every day.”
Review 5 “This is a miracle cream for cellulite, it disappears before your eyes, and the skin is so soft and tender, beyond words. In addition to the cream, I go to the pool for water aerobics and everything together gives great results. I also started losing weight, and the cream will prevent stretch marks from forming. So I advise everyone"
Review 6 “The cream made the skin light and soft, like a peach. It wonderfully moisturizes and nourishes the skin. I forgot about the problem of dryness forever. Cellulite is slowly but surely becoming less visible, I’ve been applying it for 2 weeks now.”

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A joke for humor lovers :)
Fighting excess weight is useless
while there is a mysterious line in the shopping list
"... and something for tea."

My fight against cellulite at home

Hello dear ladies!
I would like to dedicate my first post to such a labor-intensive and energy-consuming fight against cellulite, which I hate, but effective with the systematic and regular use of the remedies described in this post. I’ll tell you about the tools that are suitable and help me, maybe someone will also find this information useful, I’ll be glad!
So here's my arsenal!

Thermal mud mask for problem areas of the body from Floresan
From the manufacturer: The composition and proportions of the mask are designed taking into account the nature of fat deposits and water-salt metabolism in areas of “problem areas” most often appearing in the hips, buttocks, abdomen and waist in women, and in the lateral parts of the back and abdomen in men. The basis of the mask is Dead Sea mud, processed with the preservation of all microelements and salts, which is known for its beneficial effects on the water-salt balance and the condition of the skin. The recipe includes an active thermocomplex containing hot pepper extract, caffeine and nicotinic acid, which accelerates blood circulation and stimulates the process of thermogenesis (fat burning and heat production). The combination of the active complex and mud allows you to achieve a local effect of a natural mini-sauna without overheating the skin, which has a beneficial healing effect. The mask can also be recommended as a warming compress on areas of sprains or aches in the lower back and joints.
From me: I can say that I was satisfied with the product! I just didn’t expect any results from him at all, but he pleasantly surprised me). I use the mask weekly and I can say that visually the skin has become much smoother, there are no longer pronounced bumps. The effect is also enhanced if you wrap the problem areas with cling film and wrap yourself in a warm robe; I didn’t notice the effect of “burning” the skin, it was just very warm. The smell is not irritating, the texture resembles a clay mask, only a little softer. One jar is enough for 5-6 applications (if applied to the area from the knees to the waist). I will definitely buy again!
Rating: 5
Price: 230-300 rubles
Thermoactive massage oil for cellulite Fitness-body from Floresan
From the manufacturer: Thermoactive massage oil consists of 80% natural ingredients. The combination of natural essential oils, pineapple and grape seed extract form a highly effective anti-cellulite complex, which, actively penetrating into the deep layers of the skin during massage, breaks down fat deposits, promotes intensive drainage, removes excess moisture from problem areas and has a decongestant effect. Pepper extract provides warming properties. properties of the oil, which enhances blood microcirculation, stimulates and restores the metabolic process in skin cells, preventing the formation of cellulite and the appearance of the “orange peel” effect. Vitamins, nourishing and moisturizing components of the oil take care of the skin, making it soft, smooth and beautiful.
Directions for use: Shake the bottle of oil vigorously before use! Then distribute the required amount of massage oil on the massaged surface and carry out an intensive kneading massage procedure.
From me: I use this oil during cupping massage. I apply oil to problem areas (to prevent the jar from slipping out of your hands, you can wear gloves). I take the cans and squeeze it in the middle with my fingers, placing it on my thigh. To warm up the skin, I smoothly pass the jar from bottom to top and top to bottom. Then I start moving the jar clockwise in a circular motion. You can move the can in zigzags for variety. I finish the massage with smoothing movements. Now you can relax and lie down for about 15 minutes. The oil helps the jar slide easily over the body, has a pleasant citrus smell, there is a slight heating of the skin, and combined with the massage, the skin seems to be “burning.” After the procedure, the oil does not remain on the skin as a sticky film, it is absorbed almost completely, but I always remove the excess with a napkin. In general, the oil is not bad, it’s just that I used baby oil for massage before and, in principle, it suited me, but now I decided to try a specialized one. The skin is really soft and smooth after using it.
Rating: 5- (minus for the alcohol content in the composition, but the spray would not have worked without it)
Price: 90-150 rub.
Coffee scrub (For best results, it is recommended to use the grounds of freshly brewed natural (not instant!) coffee.
On what principle does it work?
Particles of wet coffee grounds massage the skin when moving, improve its blood supply and outflow of intercellular fluid, and also reduce congestion and have a positive effect on metabolism. All this together ensures smooth skin and improves its appearance.
From me: This magical remedy can rightfully compete with even the most expensive body scrub. The effect of such a procedure cannot but please you - a pleasant shade of tan and an amazing aroma remain on the body (if, of course, you like the smell of coffee). In addition, the skin becomes smooth and soft like a baby's. The anti-cellulite effect is enhanced with a drop of orange essential oil (or another oil of your choice).
Rating: 5+
Price: if you love coffee as much as I do, then this procedure will cost you free! ) (exclude instant coffee, it will not benefit you or your body).
Honey massage.
I usually conduct the course in 15 sessions, held every other day. It is very important that the massage is not performed every day, but every other day. The skin has time to rest and does not injure the blood vessels.
What do you need for a massage?
Honey - natural flower, linden or any other, without additives and definitely not sugared. To massage the thighs and buttocks, 2 teaspoons of honey is enough for me.

I apply honey to the palms of my hands and transfer it to the massaged area with patting movements. Part of the mixture leaves, the other remains on your hands. I perform the massage with light and smooth movements. I start doing it slowly and gradually speeding up the pace. Honey is driven into the skin and only a thin layer remains on the surface. Then a white mass begins to appear on the hands. First, it comes out of the pores behind the hands and remains on the skin. And then most of the mass goes to the palms.
I carry out the procedure for 5-10 minutes. Next, I wash off the honey with warm water. After the massage, I apply moisturizer to the skin. (I don’t like anti-cellulite creams because they usually make the skin feel cold, and I don’t like this feeling! If you know a cream that doesn’t make you feel like a cold wind is blowing on your legs, please tell me.)

I alternate all procedures, sometimes combining a coffee scrub with a massage (usually with honey). The skin after the procedures is smooth, soft and velvety.

Dear beauticians, I’m waiting for your comments and advice! I hope my first post did not disappoint you!