
Anthropomorphism of objects of nature and culture is one of the common means of cognition and explanation of the surrounding world. In everyday life, we often attribute human qualities and feelings to animals, plants, even natural phenomena. Thus, we equate natural phenomena with events in human life: people turn to trees with a request to help find a way out of a difficult situation, animals sometimes play a role in helping us find our way home, and some plants can simply save lives. As a rule, such a practice, which consists of endowing something surrounding a person’s life with supernatural qualities, is perceived by us as completely normal and uncomplicated, which is undoubtedly a sign of our culture and way of life, however, not all scientists assess this situation positively. Anthropomorphization is not only connected with a person’s ideas about nature, but it is also connected with the social and moral sphere of his life. In many myths, holy books and rituals we find