
Antroscopy: Examination and diagnosis of the nasal sinuses

Antroscopy, also known as a sinusoscopy or sinusoscopy, is a medical procedure that is used to examine and diagnose sinus conditions. With the help of antroscopy, doctors can obtain information about possible pathologies and the condition of the mucous membrane of the sinuses, which allows them to determine the presence of inflammatory processes, tumors or other anomalies.

The term "anthroscopy" comes from the word "anthro-", meaning "sinus", and the Greek "skopeo", meaning "to examine" or "to examine". The antroscopy procedure uses a special instrument called an antroscope, which is inserted into the patient's nasal cavity to visually examine the sinuses.

Antroscopy is performed to detect various diseases of the nasal sinuses, such as chronic sinusitis, polyps, tumors or structural deformities. The procedure may be recommended for patients who have symptoms associated with sinus problems, such as difficulty breathing, headaches, runny nose or fever.

During an antroscopy, the doctor uses a light and an optical system to examine the sinuses and evaluate their condition. The instrument is inserted through the patient's nostril and allows the doctor to get a clear picture of the internal structure of the sinuses. If any abnormalities or pathologies are detected during anthroscopy, further diagnostic measures can be taken or appropriate treatment prescribed.

Antroscopy is a safe and minimally invasive procedure that is usually performed by an otolaryngologist. Before the procedure, local anesthesia may be required to numb the patient's nasal passages. After an antroscopy, the patient may experience some discomfort or slight bleeding from the nose, but this usually goes away quickly.

In conclusion, antroscopy is an important method for diagnosing and examining the sinuses. It allows doctors to obtain information about the condition of the sinuses and identify possible diseases. If you have sinus-related symptoms, see your doctor to see if an antroscopy procedure may be recommended for further diagnosis and treatment.

Antroscopy is a method for examining the paranasal sinuses and nasal mucosa, as well as performing surgical interventions on it, based on the use of an endoscope. The antroscopy method can diagnose the disease at an early stage, begin treatment in a timely manner, and improve the prognosis of the disease.

In the human body, the paranasal sinuses are paired formations located in the maxillary bones. They are anatomical spaces in the osteochondral wall of the facial skull. The biggest and most difficult