Appendix 3 Healing Clay &Quot;Huma&Quot;

Appendix 3 Healing Clay "Huma"

Clay treatment is one of the natural healing methods known to people thousands of years ago. Every conscious person can be his own doctor using the natural method of clay treatment. Clay is an integral part of the earth. And we can consider the earth as the Mother of this life, which, being enriched by the sun’s rays, together with air and water, gives us literally everything.


The ability to absorb diseases. Clay is the best remedy for the treatment of internal diseases. The adsorbing effect of clay on the stomach and small intestine is extremely important. It absorbs all types of internal poisons, neutralizes and removes all pathogenic microbes.

Clay relieves inflammation, attracts painful and purulent matter, absorbs and cleanses abscesses and ulcerations. Clay is an excellent medicine for headaches, back pain, inflammation, tumors (bloatings) and abscesses, intoxication and curvature.

The ability of the earth to absorb poisonous and toxic substances has also been proven by biological and laboratory experiments. It adsorbs and removes from the body all toxins, pus, liquids, unpleasant odors, gases, that is, everything negative and harmful.

Clay contains radium, which expels from our body everything that rots and decomposes. In contrast to all chemical antiseptics, which kill not only microbes, but also healthy cells, clay, eliminating microbes and their toxins, creates immunity in the body against new microbial infections, renews cells and infuses new strength into them, despite damage by old age or degeneration. Clay strengthens the body's natural strengths.


Using clay for external use gives very quick results. There is practically no medicine equal to it in effectiveness.


Place the clay in a clean enamel bowl and fill it completely with fresh, clean water. Let it stand so that the clay absorbs moisture, stir all the lumps with your hands or a wooden stick (the clay should not come into contact with the metal). The mass should be homogeneous in composition, should not flow, but resemble mastic.

Then take either linen, or cotton, or woolen fabric, put the clay on a napkin with your hand or a wooden spatula: the clay layer should be 1-2 cm thick and larger than the sore spot.

Apply a lotion with clay to the sore spot, secure it, go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket. The lotion should be left on the sore spot for 2-3 hours, after which it should be removed, the sore spot should be washed with water, and the used clay should be buried in the ground and the words should be said: “Mother Earth, take my illnesses and give me health.” The number of lotions depends on the patient’s condition. Clay cannot be heated!


Internal use of clay gives an excellent effect in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, gout, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the skin, blood, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, cataracts, glaucoma and other diseases. Clay helps cleanse the body of toxins.

The amount of clay taken is adjusted depending on the needs of the body. Since clay stimulates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and regulates intestinal function, its use has an excellent effect on diseases of the digestive tract.

All diseases of the stomach and intestines can be cured by consuming clay internally. Clay consumed internally is pure and natural. For 1 glass of water - 1 teaspoon of clay powder. Clay will be able to free you forever from all physical, moral and spiritual dirt.