Arteries Digital Plantar General

common digital plantar arteries (a. digitales plantares communes, pna) - paired arteries of the foot extending from the plantar arterial arch. They pass between the heads of the metatarsal bones and diverge into the digital arteries.

The number of digital plantar common arteries usually corresponds to the number of toes. Each artery divides into two lateral digital arteries, which run along the sides of the finger.

The digital plantar common arteries provide blood supply to the toes. Damage to these vessels can lead to ischemia and trophic disorders of the toes.

The digital plantar arteries are a common branch of the femoral vessels and form a network of capillaries that provide trophism (nutrition) to the toes. When they are violated, the disease “diabetic foot” develops.

The digital arteries, taken from different systems, are combined into the arterial system of the foot. Digital branch aa. poplite