
Ascites is a syndrome that occurs due to complications in a person suffering from a number of infectious pathologies and is accompanied by the accumulation of a large amount of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. Ascites can affect people at different ages and cause disability even after therapy.

The essence of ascites and pathogenesis Ascites occurs against the background of primary damage to liver tissue. For example, it can be a consequence of liver cirrhosis or hepatitis. Due to the influence of a provoking factor, the inner lining of the peritoneum, the mesentery, covering the vessels, becomes inflamed. As a result, edema occurs in the tissues of the peritoneal cavity, that is, ascites fluid becomes isolated between the tissues and surrounding vessels. Visually, this manifests itself through an increase in the volume of the abdomen, protrusion of the navel and adduction of the abdominal wall from the inside. At the same time, its structure becomes denser. As the infectious pathology progresses, the stomach and intestinal loops may shift into the internal cavity, as indicated by the appearance of ascitic fluid in the stool, vomiting, unstable stools and indigestion. When ascites is exposed to toxins for a long time, the protein and electrolyte balance is disrupted. This affects the composition of the plasma, which leads to an increase in the activity of aldosterone in the body - a hormone that can constrict blood vessels and remove salts in the urine. Causes of accumulation of free fluid The appearance of ascites is provoked by a number of factors. The main causes are pathologies such as an oncological process in the abdominal organs, benign or malignant ovarian cyst, thrombosis, tuberculosis, trauma to the abdominal organs, etc. Often, ascites becomes a consequence of peritonitis. It can be provoked by surgical intervention, adhesive disease, complications after inflammatory