
Asperase: application, production and dosage forms

Asperase is an enzyme agent used in medicine for purulent-necrotic processes. It is produced in Russia, in particular, at GNIISKLS, and is available in a standard 200 mg dosage form.

Asperase is used to treat various diseases associated with purulent and necrotic processes, such as acute pancreatitis, phlegmon, acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of soft tissues, wounds, hematomas, burns, abscesses and others.

The active ingredient Asperase, a protease enzyme, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, improves microcirculation, accelerates the softening and resorption of infected tissues.

The drug is produced in Russia, and its production is controlled by the relevant government agencies. In addition, Asperase has an international name, which indicates its quality and recognition in world medical practice.

The dosage form of Asperase - standard sample 200 mg - allows you to quickly and conveniently use the drug. It is available in injection ampoules and can be used in both inpatient and outpatient settings.

Despite the fact that Asperase is an effective remedy in the treatment of purulent-necrotic processes, before use it is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly follow the recommendations for use. When using the drug, side effects such as allergic reactions may occur, so caution must be exercised and the patient's condition must be monitored.

In general, Asperase is an important drug for the treatment of various diseases associated with purulent and necrotic processes. Due to its effectiveness and accessibility, it is widely used in medical practice and is highly appreciated by specialists.