
**Astasia/Agony/Ikebania = insufficient sensory innervation**

This syndrome was first described in the history of medicine by Professor Seger. Seger writes about acute insomnia due to unbearable cramps in the legs, pain in the abdomen and mammary glands. Also, this strange weakness of the limbs, combined with vomiting, continued throughout the day. As a result, the patient really needed to go to the hospital. This disorder, associated with the cerebral cortex, manifests itself in two forms. The first probably affects cortical function (similar to excess strength as in aphasia). Another form is associated with paralysis of underlying nerve centers or muscle tissue

Astasia is an unusual disorder that can manifest itself in different forms. The causes of this disease can be different. Despite the variety of causes that cause astasia, treatment consists of taking measures against the disorder itself. There are different treatments for astasia. Therapy is aimed at reducing anxiety and increasing attention. The main method of treating asthenia is psychotherapy. To choose treatment methods, you need to consult a doctor who will identify the causes of astasia and prescribe the right treatment.