Atherosclerotic Index

Atherosclerotic arterial disease (atherosclerosis) is a chronic disease caused by the complex effect of hereditary, exogenous factors on atherogenic plaque, ischemic changes in the arteries. The basis of the disease is a violation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, hemostasis, renal and hepatic function.

Article about the Atherosclerotic Index

The article will be divided into the following sections:

Introduction: determination of the atherosclerotic index. Description of methodology: what factors influence the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis. Explanation of the operating principle of the atherosclerotic indicator. Use of the atherosclerotic index in scientific research. Conclusion Links at the end of the article.


The atherosclerotic index (AX) is a measure of the extent of cholesterol deposits observed in blood vessels. The index is designed to study the biochemical processes associated with the development of atherosclerosis and stroke disease. He