Atresia Anal

What is anal atresia and how to treat it? In this article we will look at what atresia is, how it can be diagnosed, and what treatment methods exist in this case.

What causes atresia In most cases, this disease is congenital. It appears when the formation of certain organs and systems is disrupted at 20-70 weeks of fetal development. The potential cause cannot be predicted because the likelihood of atresia occurring in different situations can vary significantly in any given situation. In addition, it is possible for this disease to develop in adult patients during trauma, most often of an infectious or thermal nature. Another reason for the appearance of this pathology is an extremely low-lying form of narrowing

**Anorectal atresia** is a rare pathology characterized by the absence of the external and internal openings of the rectum and the presence of eroded granulations on the perineum. In the case of the congenital form of the disease, improper formation of the pelvic muscles and incomplete fusion of the sacral vertebrae, fusion of the pubic and ischial bones are noted. This complicates the natural descent of the intestine and the formation of the rectal valve, therefore, abnormal growth of the rectum in the form of shortening and asymmetry characteristic of this type of malformation occurs. There is a noticeable increase and sagging of the anterior abdominal wall. Characterized by pinching of the hypostatically swollen rectum between the buttocks and expansion of the upper intestine, while the muscle ridges and ligaments are stretched.

**The development of the disease in the postnatal period may be associated with the following reasons**: * extensive trauma to the rectum * fistulas * furunculosis * pelvic tuberculosis in weakened children.