
Aura is a phenomenon that many people can observe in their lives. It represents a glow around the human body, which can be of different colors and shapes. In ancient times, the aura was considered a sign of divine presence.

An aura can be caused by various reasons such as stress, fatigue, illness or emotional state. It can also indicate that a person is in a state of spiritual development.

Some people can see the aura of other people, which is called auroscopy. This can be useful in diagnosing a person's health and emotional state. However, not all people can see an aura, as this depends on the individual characteristics of each organism.

Many people believe that aura can have a positive impact on their lives. It can help them better understand their emotions and feelings and improve their health. In addition, the aura can serve as an indicator of a person’s spiritual development.

Overall, aura is an interesting phenomenon that can help people better understand themselves and the world around them.