Autodegassing Station

Autodegassing station: effective protection in field conditions

An autodegassing station (ADS) is a vehicle-mounted installation that is designed for degassing, disinfection, disinfestation and hot air drying of uniforms, shoes, equipment and personal protective equipment in the field. This innovative product has become indispensable for military personnel, first responders, medical workers and other professionals who work in environments where air pollution, microorganisms or insects are possible.

ADS operates based on the principle of autonomous operation and can be installed on any type of vehicle. It is equipped with special filters that purify the air from harmful substances and microorganisms, as well as a system that uses hot air to dry uniforms, shoes and equipment.

For degassing and disinfection, ADS uses special disinfectant solutions that treat surfaces and kill all types of bacteria and viruses, including those that cause diseases such as influenza, AIDS and others. In addition, ADS can be used for disinsection, destroying insects such as mosquitoes, flies, ticks and others.

One of the main advantages of ADS is its mobility. It can be used anywhere there is access to a vehicle, making it an ideal choice for military operations, emergency situations, medical missions and other situations where fast and effective protection is needed.

In addition, ADS is environmentally friendly, as it uses only natural disinfectant solutions and does not pollute the environment. It also has no negative impact on the health of people and animals.

In conclusion, the auto-decontamination station is an effective and convenient tool for protecting people and equipment in field operations, emergency situations and other difficult conditions. It allows you to quickly and effectively clean air, surfaces and objects from harmful substances and microorganisms, ensuring safety and comfort in any conditions.

Autodegassing stations for the army.

🦠 Epidemiological situation in military campaigns

Military actions cause sanitary and epidemiological crises, complicating the provision of sanitary standards. The development and use of new snares and means in such conditions often turn out to be doomed due to their unsuitability. Military and rear medicine works in extreme conditions, using a limited amount of material resources. At the same time, such influence has a serious impact on the success of combat operations. An example is the Afghan war, in which many epidemic outbreaks were noted among military personnel. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the entire global economy hard in 2023, and its spread has given impetus to the development of new solutions to counter and control the disease. Military forces, military family members, and civilians are directly affected by this virus. In emergency situations, it is important to have a number of technologies in service that can be used to assist and temporarily free up the necessary material reserves for use at the front and in the rear. Such technologies include degassing complexes. The auto-decontamination unit and equipment are used as first aid to a soldier who needs to restore the body after hazardous substances and toxins enter the body. An individual degassing package (IDP), also widely known, but has lower efficiency and reagent density, which makes it inconvenient to use. The Modular Station (MSS) is a more efficient and durable package that can keep a group of Soldiers safe and improve their combat capability when involved in an emergency. The module can provide useful information about the state of the environment and the extent of contamination. In such cases, immediate and correct use of modern decontamination methods and devices is required. Special research projects are being developed within NATO and other international organizations to modernize and expand the air filtration capabilities of mobile vehicles to provide protection for soldiers in the event of chemical attacks and explosions. The new complexes have not yet been used by troops, but they are highly effective in overcoming environmental and chemical pollution, which, without proper care in war conditions, could