
Autocraniplasty is a surgical method for restoring the skull. Unlike other methods that require the use of foreign materials or instruments, autoplastic surgery allows the skull to be reconstructed without the use of these materials.

Autologous skull reconstruction methods involve the use of patient tissue such as skin, muscle and bone. These tissues are collected at the site of injury and used to close defects in the skull. Such methods have several advantages over using foreign materials. First, they are less invasive, which reduces the risk of complications. Secondly, they are more biocompatible, since the patient's own tissue is used.

However, autoplastic cranioplasty is also not always possible to use. For example, if a patient has severe skin or muscle damage, these methods may not be possible to use. Additionally, in patients with severe bone injuries, such as fractures, repair may require the use of foreign materials and instruments.

Autoplastic neck surgery (or autoplastic surgery, cranioplasty, autocranioplastic surgical correction) is a method of surgical treatment of congenital deformities of the skull, as well as open and closed craniocerebral injuries, which consists of using bone structures and tissue flaps from the patient to reconstruct the skull.

**Advantages** Autoplasty is considered the best method for correcting congenital deformities in the neck area due to the following factors: * Good tolerance and absence of complications associated with long-term use of the patient's skin and flaps. * Ability to eliminate complex defects. In case of anoplastic curves and jaws