
Autophobia is a very rare panic fear of loneliness. Medicine and psychology do not clearly define this condition. The term was made popular by writer Anthony Burgess, who created a villain suffering from autophobia in the novel A Clockwork Orange.

People who avoid solitude or simply feel more comfortable in the company of people are often classified as autophobes. We would venture to suggest that this does not always mean the same thing: some people need to be in society to feel good, while others are afraid to be alone. Loneliness can be due to at least two reasons. In the first case, the reason is dislike for oneself. This happens when a child was not loved by his parents, or if an adult is now trying to engage in self-flagellation. Also, the fear of being left alone is not uncommon for people who are suspicious and prone to destructive behavior. They may feel a false sense of isolation, but they act this way only because they are afraid of looking like black sheep. And the reason for their behavior is victim syndrome. If there are such people around you, try to talk to them in a friendly manner. Make sure they don't dwell on the negative.