Barani Syndrome

Recently, the world learned about Boarane syndrome, a rare disorder that manifests itself in poor coordination and fatigue due to a lack of oxygen supply to the brain. In the article I will tell you what kind of syndrome this is, what the symptoms are and the causes of its occurrence.

Barany syndrome was first described by Danish neurosurgeon Thomas R. Barany in 2005. While studying the ability of patients to turn in bed without coordination, he noticed that most of them use pacemakers, which make it difficult to move, while healthy people can easily manipulate their arms and legs. Thanks to this, he determined that the main disorder characteristic of the syndrome was incoordination of movements, and not heart failure or circulatory disorders.

One of the most noticeable features of Barany syndrome is clumsiness, which can manifest as indecisiveness, hair growth problems, skin hypersensitivity, and behavioral changes. Often patients suffering from Barany syndrome do not have impaired motor coordination, but simply feel a lack of energy, difficulty waking up, frequent headaches and heat intolerance. Some manifestations also include weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, feeling tired all the time, difficulty doing normal work, and problems with memory and concentration.

The causes of Barany's syndrome are not yet well understood. However, it is known that the main factor causing this condition is a chronic lack of oxygen in the brain due to vasoconstriction in the cerebral cortex caused by osteochondrosis. Other factors include head injuries, tumors, strokes and drug addiction. All of them negatively affect blood flow and endanger cerebral tissue, causing tissue shrinkage. Typically, such changes become noticeable several years after exposure.