
Basophobia is the fear of communicating with people, fear of situations related to communication, meeting and talking with other people.

This type of emotional immaturity is characteristic of people who have already failed once in interpersonal communication. They understand perfectly well that coexistence in a couple is impossible without constant communication with their partner. People with basophobia often transfer past failures and mistakes to present communication and are afraid to take a step in its direction.

The emerging fear prevents the development of many relationships, because no one wants to constantly limit themselves - this destroys a person on a psycho-emotional level. A person suffering from basophobia cannot fully accept himself, so others are unlikely to be able to seriously fall in love with him. Many, of course, try to cope with basaphobia when it begins to interfere with their lives and relationships with people. However, it becomes quite a complex problem, which is not easy to deal with. Therefore, it is not recommended to run it as long as possible.