Bernstein Method

The Bernstein method is a treatment method for chronic tonsillitis that was developed by German otolaryngologist Wolfgang Bernstein in the 1950s. This method involves the doctor removing the patient's tonsils and then using a special machine to process them. The device is called a Bernstein machine, and it allows you to treat your tonsils with ultrasound, which kills bacteria and reduces inflammation.

The Bernstein method is highly effective and has a low likelihood of complications such as bleeding or infection. It also has a low relapse rate, making it one of the most effective treatments for chronic tonsillitis.

However, the Bernstein method is not the only way to treat chronic tonsillitis and can be replaced by other methods, such as washing the tonsils or using antibiotics. Therefore, before deciding which treatment method to choose, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and obtain complete information about each treatment method.

The Bernstein method is a scheme for the primary surgical treatment of tubo-otitis, proposed by Dr. Sh. I. Bernstein. This is a method of the initial stage of treatment, in which gentle methods are used to prevent the spread of inflammation beyond the affected auditory canal to the mastoid process. Otorhinolaryngology (otolaryngology) is a science that studies the structure and functioning of the human ear, as well as the pathology of this organ, diagnosis and therapy for diseases of the hearing organs.

Bernstein's treatment method includes the use of coagulating, salt and hydrotherapy procedures to reduce