Infertility and difficulty conceiving

The cause of infertility is either in the seed of a man, or in the seed of a woman, or in the characteristics of the uterus, or in the characteristics of the penis and in the instruments for excreting the seed. Or the root cause of this is sadness, fear, headaches, weak digestion, indigestion, or an accidental mistake.

The cause in the semen is, for example, a disorder of nature opposing the power of generation, hot or cold - due to natural coldness or due to prolonged constipation and retention of urine, as well as the moisture of the semen or its dryness. The reason for this is unsuitable foods, as well as acids, for these, in general, are among the things that cool and dry the seed. Often the cause rooted in the semen is dryness of nature, which does not prevent conception, but impedes it or spoils the nutrition of the baby that comes from the womb, and sometimes the reason depending on the semen is that the semen of a man has a different effect than the semen women are ready to accept or with which, according to one of the two teachings, it is inclined to participate, and they do not have a child. But if any of them changes their accomplice, then they will almost never have a child. Sometimes the discord of the seed depends on the disorder of the nature of each of them, and one does not balance the other, but spoils it even more. And after the change of partner, each finds something that balances his nature due to the opposite, and both seeds become balanced. The type of seed that does not give birth includes the seed of a teenager, a drunken man, the seed of someone suffering from indigestion or an old man, the seed of one who copulates a lot, and the seed of one whose body is unhealthy; after all, the seed pours out from every organ, and with a healthy organ it is healthy, and with a diseased organ it is sick, according to what Hippocrates says; all these circumstances exist in both seeds at the same time. They say that one of the reasons that spoils a man's semen is intercourse with women who have not reached maturity, but this is one of the special reasons.

As for the cause related to the uterus, such a cause may be a disorder of nature that spoils the seed. Most often it occurs from cold, due to which the seed hardens, as happens in women from drinking cold water, which cools the seed, and also in men. The cold changes the menstrual blood particles, narrows the menstrual passages, and the blood does not flow to the fetus. Often a disorder of nature occurs with matter or liquids, which also spoil the seed; sometimes it dries, dissolves or moistens the seed, causing it to slip out and weakening the holding force - this happens often. Either a disorder of nature weakens the force that draws in the seed, and it does not draw it in with power, or it narrows the passages for food from cold, heat or dryness, or spoils the nutrition for the baby, or prevents it from reaching the baby, because the womb is very dry and shrinks. Infertility also occurs from coldness or overgrowth of ulcers, or from excess flesh in the form of a wart, or when dryness takes over the villous membrane, and the passages for food become clogged. The same thing happens to a seed in a cold and damp uterus as happens to plant seeds in clean lands, and in hot and dry conditions the same thing happens as in lands sprinkled with lime. This also happens due to the cessation of the formation of matter, that is, the blood of menstruation, when the uterus cannot retract it and bring it to the fetus, or due to deviation and rotation of the uterus, or due to strong compression of the mouth of the uterus before pregnancy, caused by blockage, hardening and excess meat, warty or non-warty, as well as overgrowth of ulcers, constrictive cold and other causes of blockage. The cause can also be dryness, due to which the seed does not pass into the uterus, or weak contraction of the uterus after conception, so that it does not retain the seed, or an abundance of fat, causing the seed to slip out. Sometimes an abundance of fat occurs with the participation of the whole body, and sometimes in the uterus mainly and in the omentum, or only in one uterus, when the fat multiplies on the omentum; he squeezes and presses the seed and brings it out, squeezing it out. Or it occurs either from severe emaciation of the whole body or uterus, or from damage in the uterus in the form of tumors, ulcers, lumps or interfering fleshy growths. Often, something hard, like the male genital organ, forms at the mouth of the uterus, preventing the penis and semen from penetrating there, or there are overgrown ulcers that fill the uterus and plug the mouths of the vessels that carry menstrual blood. Sometimes conception is also prevented by the rigidity of the uterine mouth.

The reason lying in the reproductive organs is either weakness of the seminal vessels, or damage to their nature that has arisen, as in someone whose veins were opened behind the ears or the bladder was pierced because of a stone, and the damage from this was transmitted to the reproductive organs. Sometimes one of their nerves is cut, and this leaves behind a weakening of the seminal vessels and the force that generates the seed and throws it out. The same thing happens if someone's testicles are squeezed or a hemlock bandage is applied to them, or if a person drinks a lot of camphor. Infertility depending on the penis occurs, for example, when it is created short, or when the man is fat and the meat takes up most of the penis, or if the woman is fat and the entrance to the vagina is far away and the penis does not stand straight in it, or if it depends on both together. This also happens due to the curvature of the penis or when the frenulum is short and the duct, deviating, is not located against the mouth and does not throw the seed into the ring of the mouth of the uterus.

We have already listed the reasons depending on the initial organs; The digestive organs and pneuma organs must be strong in order for conception to occur easily. As for an accidental oversight, it may consist in the eruption of the seed either before the uterus can engulf it, or after that. An ejaculation slippage occurs when a woman and a man do not end intercourse and ejaculate at the same time, and one of them is constantly ahead of the other in ejaculation. If a man is ahead, he leaves the woman who has not emitted the seed, and if a woman is ahead, then the man releases the seed after the woman has done so, and the mouth of the uterus stops the movements that draw in the seed, and stops opening over and over again to meet him and draw in the seed from so powerful that a woman feels it when she ejaculates. She acts this way during ejaculation, according to some, in order to draw in the man’s seed along with the moisture that flows from the seminal vessels hidden in the uterus and pours into them, or in order to draw out her own seed, if true, what other doctors say is that the woman's semen, although it is born inside, flows out to the mouth of the uterus, and then the mouth of the uterus absorbs it. The woman's movements when drawing in her own seed from outside "should awaken her attention to the movement of her seed, so that she also draws in the man's seed, for such movements are not inherent in the ejaculation of a man.

As for an accidental mistake after the uterus has engulfed the seed, it can be a sudden movement, a jump, a push, a quick standing up after the eruption of the seed and other similar actions after conception that cause the embryo to slip out, or a sudden fright, or some other reason. miscarriage, which we will mention in its place.

Hippocrates says: “A man is by no means colder than a woman” - that is, in relation to the nature of his dominant organs, his original nature and the nature of his healthy seed, but not in relation to randomly arising natures.

Know that a woman who gives birth and is pregnant is less sick than a barren woman, although a woman giving birth is weaker in body than a barren woman and ages faster. And the infertile woman gets sick a lot, but she ages more slowly and looks young most of her life.

Signs. As for the signs of which seed infertility depends on, various things are said about this, the truth of which is not confirmed and about which we will not express any judgment. For example, they say that you should test both seeds that float on the water, and the deficiency depends on that. They also say: the urine of both spouses is poured on the lettuce root, and whose urine dries it up, the deficiency comes from him. They also say, among other things, that you need to take seven grains of wheat, seven grains of barley and seven pieces of beans and put them in a vessel made of baked clay. Then one of the spouses urinates on them and they are left standing for seven days; if the grains germinate, then infertility does not depend on who urinated. Even more incredible things are said, but here is the best thing that has been said regarding the test of a woman: the woman’s uterus must be fumigated through a funnel with wet incense. If the smell of incense passes to her mouth and nostrils, then the reason is not her, and if it does not pass, it means that there is a blockage and harmful juices in that place that do not allow the smell of incense and incense to pass through or spoil it. They also say: a woman inserts a clove of garlic into her vagina and pays attention to whether its smell and taste are felt from above. Most of all, it indicates whether there is a blockage in the uterus or not. If there is a blockage, then this indicates infertility, and if there are no blockages, then it is quite possible that there are other reasons for infertility, and other obstacles to pregnancy. In any woman who has moisture left in the mouth of the uterus after cleansing, the fetus will slip out.

As for the signs of the semen and its organs in relation to the nature of the organs and the semen, then, as you have already learned, the hotness and coldness of the nature are recognized by the semen, by the woman’s sensation of its touch, by the thickness and liquid of the semen, as well as by the quality of the pubic hair, their color and smell, by the speed or slowness of the pulse, by the color of the urine in the bottle and by its pallor, as well as by the complicity of the whole body. And moisture and dryness are determined by the scarcity of the seed when it is thick or its abundance when liquid. A healthy seed is white, viscous, shiny, the kind that flies land on and eat. The smell of the seed is the smell of the date palm flower and jasmine.

Signs of menstruation of blood and its organs in relation to nature. As you have already learned, its warmth and coldness are inferred by its sensation and color: it is yellowish or blackish, cloudy or whitish, as well as by the quality of the pubic hair. And the dryness or dampness of nature is inferred from the abundance of blood when it is fluid and from the fact that a woman’s eyes are swollen and cloudy - after all, the eyes, according to Hippocrates, indicate the condition of the uterus, as well as from the scarcity and thickness of the blood. Which woman, after cleansing, the mouth of the uterus does not dry out and remains moist, will not carry the child. Thickness and thinness, fatness, shortness of the penis and its curvature, shortness of the frenulum, curvature of the uterus and the quality of ejaculation in both spouses - all these are circumstances, the significance of which is determined by experience. Fatty, abundant in sebum, the vagina has a narrow entrance, distant from the uterus, the horns of the uterus are short, the cavities are protruding; she shudders with every movement and gets irritated by the slightest smell. A deviation of the uterus is indicated by palpation inside the vagina: if the mouth of the uterus is not located opposite the vagina, then the uterus is deviated. A woman suffering from a deviation or bend of the uterus feels pain during intercourse.

Methods and means of treatment. The method of treatment in this case is twofold: on the one hand, one should try to make the woman pregnant, acting gently, and on the other hand, treat for the reasons that prevent pregnancy. As for the woman's infertility and the man's infertility in build, the incompatibility with the nature of the spouse, in which a replacement is required, and the shortness of the instrument, there is no cure for this, just as in the case when a woman, after protracted ulcers, has clogged and smoothed out the mouths of blood vessels , removing blood during menstruation. Treatment for a woman who needs a replacement husband is not related to medicine, and for other cases there are various methods. Detailed explanation of the first side of treatment. The most appropriate time for intercourse should be chosen - we have already mentioned this, and preferably the time when the woman is approaching the end of her period, and the time when she should get together for the reasons we have mentioned. Spouses should extend the time of abstinence from intercourse, but not so long that the semen of both spoils and becomes cold, and if this happens, then they perform copulation in such a way that there is no conception, and then again abstain until it becomes clear that good seed has accumulated; it is necessary to ensure that copulation occurs during the beginning of the period of purity, and in this regard the period is different for each woman. Spouses play for a long time, especially if the woman’s nature is not bad; the man carefully touches the woman’s breasts, tickles her pubis and leaves her without really getting together, and when the woman gets excited and revives, he gets together with her, rubbing her clitoris on top, because there is the place of her pleasure. The man waits for the moment when the woman begins to press harder, her eyes begin to turn red and her breathing rises, and her speech becomes confused, and then he sends the seed against the mouth of the uterus and leaving a little space for the seed - so much so that the influence of the outside air does not reach it at all: then the seed immediately spoils and is not suitable for fertilization.

Know that if a man sends seed into a narrow space, so that his penis even rests against the opposite wall, the seed often disappears; on the contrary, it is necessary that some stream of semen reaches the mouth of the uterus, and the exit from the canal is not closed. Then the man presses against the woman for some time, penetrating to the furthest distance, until he feels that the openings and “sighs” of the mouth of the uterus have completely stopped. Then the man also calms down a little, and the woman lies with her legs spread, her hips raised and her back lowered. Then the man gets up and leaves the woman lying there, calmly, with her legs together and holding her breath, and if she then falls asleep, this will further strengthen the possibility of conception. And if the woman had previously been given suitable fumigations for the given case, then this is even better. Suppositories and especially gums that are not very hot, for example, bdellium and the like, are inserted into the vagina before copulation. It works wonderfully, by the way, if a woman’s uterus is fumigated from below with hot incense, the smell of which she does not smell from above, and then they take a long tube and put one end of it in hot ashes, and put the other into the mouth of the uterus so that the heat reaches the uterus in a tolerable manner. degrees. The woman lies like this or sits as long as she can, and then the husband has intercourse with her.

As for the other side of the treatment, that is, the cause of infertility is the heat of nature or hot juices, they are removed and the nature is balanced with well-known foods and drinks, and for the uterus, wax ointments that moderate heat are prescribed from well-known squeezed juices and cold mucus and oils; when the cause is the coldness and dampness of the uterus, it is treated as we will say later, and this happens most often. In case of infertility, depending on the displacement of the mouth of the uterus, they are treated with anti-displacement remedies, cupping, mentioned in their place, and, as doctors say, by bloodletting from the jugular vein on the appropriate side, and if the cause is an abundance of fat, then physical exercises are prescribed, and food is lightened. , avoid wet baths and bathing in any water except water from hot springs; They also perform bowel movements, bleeding and giving sharp enemas, and give drying hot medicines like teryak and mithridate. Liquid white wine should be avoided and pure strong red wine should be consumed in small quantities; good products to insert into the vagina of such women are white honey, orca oil and myrrh. And if the cause is the winds, which do not allow the seed to establish itself well in the uterus, then they treat, for example, kammuni and give anise, celery seed and rue seed to drink, and especially rue seed with the juice of medicinal roots; They also use products for insertion into the vagina made from these drugs. Wind-dispersing substances include, for example, beaver stream, rue seeds and grass seeds.

When the cause is severe dryness of the uterus, the woman is given moisturizing enemas, softening fats are introduced into the vagina, she is given milk, especially goat milk, and fed with fatty isfidbaj, and if the reason is the narrowness of the mouth of the uterus, then a lead needle should be constantly used to expand it. gradually choose thicker ones; it is lubricated with emollient ointments. The patient should increase sexual intercourse; it is beneficial for her to eat cabbage and eat celery, cumin, anise, and the like. The most common causes that prevent pregnancy, but can be cured, are cold and damp, and most fertility drugs work to compensate for this; in the presence of moisture, it is necessary to empty the moisture with the help of iyarajas, enemas and suppositories. Medicines to drink include hot medicinal porridges, remedies like mithridate, teryak and tiyadaritus, and medicines like sagapen. Drinkable substances with special properties in this case include elephant urine, which is given to a woman to drink; this is a wonderful remedy to induce conception and should be done shortly before or during intercourse. They also give you ivory sawdust to drink - it helps immediately. Gill seed is a good, proven remedy; It is sometimes given to female animals to drink, and this multiplies the offspring. The best products for insertion into the vagina are those prepared from balsam oil, bana oil and iris oil, as well as candles made from black oil or goose fat in a woolen rag; They are also prepared from “fragrant marigolds”, musk, sumbul, syti, dill, satar, azhgon, hyssop, bdelium, orchis, gorse - it works wonderfully - cypress cones, laurel drupes, sukkah, amom, sadaj and wild cumin and in general of all drugs that are intoxicating, astringent and, especially, anti-slip. Introducing hare rennet into the vagina with turbit or violet oil is beneficial after cleansing and promotes conception. The introduction of hare feces and, as they say, the bile of a male gazelle helps, especially if you add a little orchis and honey to it; It is also useful to introduce his feces or introduce the bile of a wolf, the bile of a hare or a lion in the amount of two danaks.

Nice candle. They take sumbul, saffron, mastic, myrrh, sukkah and beaver stream with spikenard oil or take myrrh  four dirhams, “orris root” and hare feces - two dirhams, prepare a candle from this in the form of an acorn and inject it; The candle is changed every day for three days. They also take purified honey, sagapen, bdellium and iris oil.

Nice candle. Take saffron, amom, sumbul, melilot - three and a half dirhams each, sadaj, wild cumin - each uqiya, goose fat and egg yolk - two uqiyas, spikenard oil - half a dirham and injected for three days in a blue cloth after cleansing , renewing the medicine every day. They also take garlic, dry or Fresh, pour the same amount of fenugreek oil on it, cook until the garlic is boiled and all the liquid is gone, and add it on a rag. This is an excellent remedy. Sometimes, before introducing suppositories, you have to do an enema with a piece of coloquinte pulp - this removes fluids; or something like frankincense gum is inserted into the woman's vagina - this expels fluids. The means for fumigation include cakes prepared from myrrh, maya and laurel drupes - they are fumigated with them every day, or they take red arsenic and cypress cones, mix them with liquid maya and fumigate with this through a funnel after cleansing for three days in a row. They also fumigate with myrrh, liquid maya, galbanum and laurel drupes, as well as nigella, bdellium and hyssop.

Signs of pregnancy and its laws. They indicate conception, as it is said, like weakness in a woman after intercourse. Emitting semen, the woman seems to suck out the head of the penis, and it comes out as if dry. The mouth of the uterus after intercourse is strongly compressed, so that even a needle for surging the eyes will not fit there, and also rises upward and anteriorly and wrinkles without hardening, due to severe dryness in these places. The menstruation is blocked, and the woman does not have periods until a certain time or they are scanty; there is a slight pain between the navel and the anus, and sometimes urinary retention is observed. It happens that a woman does not like and even hates sexual intercourse after conception, and when they come together with her, she does not emit seed; During intercourse she experiences pain below the navel and nausea. A woman pregnant with a boy hates intercourse more than one pregnant with a girl; the latter sometimes has no aversion to copulation. Other phenomena after conception: mild nausea, lethargy, heaviness throughout the body, bad mental mood, mild vomiting, sour belching, goose bumps, headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, heart failure; later, after a month or two, the woman develops bad whims, the whites of her eyes turn yellow or blue, and sometimes her eyes fall in, her eyelids relax, but her vision becomes sharper, and the pupil turns yellow and the whites seem to thicken, but most often do not turn yellow. The complexion necessarily changes, and unnatural spots appear on the face; if a woman is carrying a boy, then there are fewer of them, and if she is carrying a girl, there are more; Often during pregnancy pain in the back and hips calms down, since the uterus warms them, and when the woman gives birth, they return. Sometimes a woman’s body becomes different from what it was, and expands in width and the veins on it turn yellow or blue; in most cases, the breasts of pregnant women first become flabby, because their monthly cleansing is blocked and what is blocked exceeds the needs of the fetus, because it is still small and too weak to feed. Then, when the fetus enlarges, it begins to feed on this excess and comes to life, and the signs of menstrual constipation subside. If a girl under fifteen years of age becomes pregnant, you can fear that she will die, since her uterus is small. The same is the situation of adult women who are struck by an acute fever, for it kills the fetus, since it entails a disorder in its nature, and it is weak and cannot stand it. This also happens because nutrition spoils its nature, but, on the other hand, if the mother does not feed, then the fetus weakens, and if the fetus is fed, then the mother weakens. The same thing happens when a tumor appears in a woman’s uterus: if it is phlegmon, then sometimes, in the rarest cases, one can hope to save the fetus and mother, but erysipelas is a hot tumor Very

Pregnancy is often recognized through experiments. For example, a woman is given two ukiyyas with the same amount of rainwater to drink honey before going to bed, and they see whether she has cramps or not; The reason here is constipation of the blowing winds with the complicity of the intestines. Although doctors are surprised by this, such a remedy is tested and reliable, unless the woman is used to drinking such a drink. Or another thing: a woman is forced to fast all day, and in the evening she is wrapped in clothes and smoked with vapor through a funnel from a cup with holes: if the smoke and its smell comes out of her mouth and nose, it means she is not pregnant. They also tried to insert a clove of garlic into the woman’s vagina, on an empty stomach, and place it there, and see if she could smell and taste the garlic or not. Read also what we say in the paragraph about conceiving boys or girls, about the experiments of introducing aristolochia with honey into the vagina. The urine of pregnant women is initially yellow with a bluish tint, and disheveled cotton seems to be floating in the middle of the vessel; Pregnancy is sometimes indicated by urine that is clear in composition, over which there is something like a haze; It is especially significant if there is something like rising and falling bubbles in the urine. And at the end of pregnancy, their bottle appears red instead of the blue that was at first; If a pregnant woman shakes the bottle and the urine becomes cloudy, it means the end of pregnancy is coming, and if it doesn’t become cloudy, it means the pregnancy is just beginning.