Phalloplasty (Phalloplasty)

Phalloplasty is a reconstructive or plastic surgery on the penis. The need for phalloplasty arises with congenital deformities of the penis (for example, with hypospadias or epispadias), as well as after some injuries to the penis.

Phalloplasty can be performed for a number of indications:

  1. Congenital anomalies of the penis (hypospadias, epispadias)

  2. Acquired deformities of the penis as a result of injury or disease

  3. Transsexual gender reassignment to create a neophallus

  4. Reduction in penis size (micropenia)

The main goal of phalloplasty is to restore the normal anatomy, function and aesthetic appearance of the penis. This allows you to improve the patient’s quality of life and avoid psychological problems associated with penile deformation.

The surgical technique of phalloplasty depends on the individual case. Various flaps of skin and mucous membrane, as well as synthetic materials for implants, can be used. The operation is usually carried out in several stages. The postoperative period also has its own characteristics and requires careful care to achieve an optimal result.

Phalloplasty is a surgical operation to restore the shape and function of the penis in case of congenital clefts, penile injuries and other pathologies, which is necessary to ensure full male health.

Phallus, plural phallus, lat. phallus. - male genital organ or replace it

Phalloplanastics is a reconstructive operation that allows you to create a full-fledged penis after eliminating anatomical disorders. Among patients, such disorders are rare, but after operations or injuries, restoration of the normal form may be impossible without phalloplastic surgery.

Most often, phalloplasty is performed by urologists; especially when it comes to pathology in boys and men. Phalloplastic operations are arthroplastic interventions in combination with surgical methods to create a normal genital organ.

- Patients with weak erections can undergo restoration of the mucous membranes and urethral system. Sometimes it is necessary to completely recreate the organ: from the frenulum to the head of the penis, including the tissue of the nerve endings. - If the patient has a sunken head or hernia, then phalloplasty involves the creation of a “hood”. For patients with hypospadias (or deviation of the distal part), when the urethra is made, phalloscopic interventions include the creation of a new urethra, dissection of the foreskin, preservation of muscles and skin, and drainage for urine diversion. - When there is a large amount of venous tissue in the body of the penis and narrowing of the urethra, an injection procedure is required to increase the volume of the phage and implantation of tissue elements.

Endovascular plastic surgery and endoprosthetics help restore the functions of the reproductive organ after severe injuries. The creation of endoprostheses is practiced here; silicone stump; using endodermal matrix or transplanted autogenous cells.