Blefarogel under the eyes for wrinkles reviews

The organs of vision are given to people not only to see, but also to show emotions and feelings. Because of this, age-related changes appear on the skin of the eyelids more than anywhere else. In order not to start these processes, all women at some point begin to think about using effective anti-aging substances. But unfortunately, not all cosmetics give good results in the endless fight against wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, most products force girls to use them regularly because they cause the skin to become addicted to certain components. You should take note of reviews of Blepharogel for wrinkles around the eyes. Manufacturers position the drug as a pharmaceutical medicinal product that has all the necessary properties to help get rid of wrinkles on the eyelids.

Why Blefarogel helps against wrinkles and swelling

Professional cosmetologists use Blefarogel to combat the formation of wrinkles around the eyes, less often for application to the entire facial area. The drug is widely used due to its wide range of positive effects. Blepharogel supplies the thin skin around the eyes with all useful components and nutrients, perfectly moisturizes dry epidermis, making it soft, firm and elastic. It is also perfect for problematic oily skin - the gel normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, evens out the skin texture, eliminates areas of inflammation and acne. Blepharogel smoothes out fine expression wrinkles by accelerating metabolism and blood flow, and activating collagen production.

In an endless quest to look younger and more beautiful, many girls use this gel for cosmetic purposes. To find out whether it will actually provide the desired effect, you need to familiarize yourself with the chemical composition, its beneficial properties, application features and existing contraindications.

Composition and release forms

Blepharogel looks like a transparent substance in the form of a gel. The medicine is sold in 15 ml plastic packaging. The gel is packaged in a cardboard package, with instructions for use also included. One bottle is enough for a whole course.

Blefarogel 2 differs from Blefarogel 1 in that the second contains sulfur. This component gives the drug healing properties. It is prescribed for lesions of the epidermis by mites (demodex) and for bilateral inflammation of the eyes (blepharitis). The drug is unique in that when it is used on the skin there is practically no harmful effect. To remove wrinkles, it is recommended to use Blepharogel 1, because this gel is better suited for prevention purposes and has a gentle effect on the folds of the eyes.

Blefarogel includes the following active components:

  1. Aloe juice. This component soothes the skin and prevents the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, it improves the healing of epidermal cells.
  2. Hyaluronic acid. It is because of it that the rejuvenation effect occurs; it also has antibacterial properties. It retains water in the skin of the eyelids around the eyes, making it look more elastic and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  3. Glycerin is a substance that moisturizes and nourishes the skin around the eyes.

Indications for use

Blepharogel 1 is recommended to be used for the following changes in the skin of the eyes:

  1. dryness and tightness, which is caused by a lack of vitamins;
  2. the appearance of shallow wrinkles around the eyes;
  3. acne often forms.

The gel is widely used as a preventive measure to slow down the aging process and prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the eyes.

Application of Blepharogel for the skin around the eyes

To get rid of facial wrinkles around the eyes, you should carry out the procedure at least 2 times a day. You need to apply the product generously, in a thick layer, for a month, after this period you will need to take a break for 3 weeks. To maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin, you should use Blepharogel under the eyes against wrinkles regularly; you need to do the procedure once a day in the evening.

It is recommended to use the following tips:

  1. Before applying the product, it is advisable to clean and steam your face. This way the drug will penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis.
  2. Before using the drug, you must remove contact lenses. You can put them on half an hour after applying Blefarogel.
  3. After applying the gel, do not use decorative cosmetics.
  4. If after applying the ointment the skin around the eyes begins to itch, you should wash it off immediately. These symptoms are a consequence of allergies; with such manifestations, you cannot use the product.
  5. It is not recommended to use the product right before going to bed, because it is completely absorbed, and swelling appears in the morning.
  6. Before using the drug, do not rub other cosmetics on your face.
  7. In order for Blepharogel to help get rid of puffiness under the eyes, you need to make gentle massage movements, but you can only tap with your fingertips so as not to damage the skin around the eyes.
  8. This product should not be used with similar medications that are used to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes.
  9. You should not use Blepharogel if its expiration date has expired, if storage conditions have not been met, or if damage to the integrity of the packaging is noticed.

In addition to using Blefarogel under the eyes for wrinkles, it is worth listening to the positive reviews of people who were able to stop the aging process of the dermis. Many of them were helped by simple advice from professional cosmetologists:

  1. You need to take care of the skin around your eyes regularly, don’t forget about cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing it.
  2. It will not be superfluous to use natural masks; they perfectly help smooth out wrinkles.
  3. It is recommended to refrain from using “heavy” decorative cosmetics, namely powder and foundation. They dry out the dermis greatly, causing the skin around the eyes to become wrinkled faster.
  4. Your sleep and rest patterns affect your appearance, so be sure to go to bed on time.
  5. You should not get carried away with alcoholic drinks and smoking, this has a bad effect on the skin around the eyes: it loses a lot of water, the complexion becomes gray, and wrinkles appear.
  6. It is not recommended to sunbathe a lot.

It is necessary to eat only healthy foods, because this is how the skin around the eyes receives all the necessary microelements.

Contraindications and possible side effects

According to reviews of the use of Blepharogel around the eyes for wrinkles, it is well tolerated by the body and practically does not cause adverse reactions. Only in 3% of cases was the development of allergic symptoms in the form of swelling of the eyelids, itching and redness of the eyes. For these reasons, dermatologists have identified a number of contraindications:

  1. allergic reactions to individual components of the product;
  2. excessively dry and sensitive skin in the eye area;
  3. weak immunity;
  4. open damage;
  5. dermatitis;
  6. purulent rashes in the eye area.

Persons under 25 years of age should not use the product. Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug only after consultation with a dermatologist.

To do this, apply a little gel to the surface of the wrist and carefully monitor the condition of the skin for at least a day. If there is no itching, redness or swelling, the product can be used without fear.


The product can be bought at almost any pharmacy; its average price is 300 rubles. This is a fairly small price, considering that one package is enough for 1 course.


Reviews of Blefarogel for wrinkles around the eyes show that the use of the drug for cosmetic purposes is effective. Many girls were satisfied with the result; only a small percentage of women did not notice the effect of its use. It is important to remember about possible side effects; the product should not come into contact with the cornea of ​​the eye. You will need to give up bad habits and start eating right to provide your eye skin with the necessary microelements.

Then why don't all women use it?))
But seriously, who has Blepharogel No. 1 helped get rid of bags under the eyes, wrinkles and bruises? I can’t believe that the product costs 150 rubles. works better than the cream for 2 thousand rubles. experts

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Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

It doesn’t eliminate anything, like any other remedy, it’s hydration and prevention for the future))

Well, of course it smoothes it out. Like all other anti-wrinkle creams. That’s why everyone walks like that—smooth.

I'll wait and listen, it's interesting too

No! I tried for several months.

It just moisturizes, I don’t think there is a remedy other than plastic surgery to make wrinkles go away. The gel is pleasant and non-greasy

I use it at night. It moisturizes normally, I don’t know about wrinkles.
I have dry skin in general, especially under my eyes. Sometimes I apply it to other areas where the skin is dry and flaky.

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The only thing that helps is that I have to spend a lot of time in front of the monitor (due to work, of course..) the “sand” disappears from my eyes.

I’ve been using it for three years and it doesn’t help get rid of crow’s feet.

Girls, I read on other forums that it, on the contrary, contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. I'm all in doubt.

I've been applying it in the morning for a year now. No wrinkles. It seems to me that it should save not from crow’s feet, but from small wrinkles under the eyes, and strengthen skin turgor. Which is what he does.

Blefarogel is a useless thing. The relief from eye fatigue is very short-lived, and there is no hydration at all.

11. Suggest an option, please.. Precisely for eye fatigue.

All my life I thought that blepharogel was a gel for actually vomiting.

All my life I thought that blepharogel was a gel for actually vomiting.

Methyl orange
All my life I thought that blepharogel was a gel for actually vomiting.
Well then, for bluffing.

11. Suggest an option, please.. Precisely for eye fatigue.

I started using it as soon as barely noticeable crow's feet appeared. There are no bruises under the eyes precisely because I regularly (at night) use Blefarogel-1. In general, in the evening after removing eye makeup (I use pencil and mascara), this product simply “revives” the sensations. Relieves fatigue. Of course, I was not able to completely avoid the “paw”. And after stress or a sleepless night, the “paws” are even more pronounced. But it feels easier after Blefarogel. I like him. I am often allergic to mascara and eye creams. Only Blefarogel saves. In general, no complaints)))

You completely misunderstood. I didn’t have any problems at night, because I’m a masturbator, and not because older girls consider me a teenager because I don’t have enough wrinkles, but for a completely different reason.

Bleforagel does not have such a task - to smooth out wrinkles.
But treating inflamed skin, allergies to cosmetics and other troubles on the skin around the eyes is what you need.

As always, you got it all wrong! Tell me, please, how do you manage to suffer from wrinkles at this age, what should you do for this? It’s so disgusting to look like a 17-year-old little boy at 23 years old!

you don’t finish eating, you’re probably too small, or maybe you’ll be stuck like that even at 45..t

It’s clear, you’re an embittered boy, are you missing girls? Well, at this age they are all looking for oligarchs, you will still have it. You won't have time to brush it off.

If you are sane, your problem will go away very soon. with time.

╧23 very impudently in a harmless conversation. Hence the conclusion - about an inadequacy. But now I understand, it’s a completely different story, sorry. Surely you just have some kind of resentment, someone offended you?

I'm not doing this out of malice. It just happened that way.

Damn Egor, you mixed up the branches, which article dear, are you talking about?

I do not understand.

Aliska, now I’ll tell you the secret of how to remain a young girl until 40 years old. If you think that I will start talking about miracle creams, then you are mistaken! The secret is simple! 1) quit your job, live with your parents, if you are studying, then be sure to transfer to the correspondence department! And in your free time you play war games on the computer. 100% guarantee. But only later you won’t be offended when they poke you and call you “girl” with arrogant condescension! As for the article, I just called text No. 23 that way.

36. I think they will call me a girl - a moron at 40 years old from such a lifestyle.

Aliska, if you read all my opuses, you would hardly think so. Perhaps at 40 years old this is probably embarrassing, but at 23 it’s absolutely normal! Otherwise, no cream, no liposuction, chrenation, everything - zero! Will not help. Some people tell me that I am like this because of idleness and lack of stress, but this is not so. I have enough stress in my life. take your license, write a dissertation on the topic “the origin of the Slavs according to archaeology,” which they are forced to redo five times in order to be accepted! Isn't that stressful? And also the vile word “child” “boy”, which I often hear addressed to me when entering an adult establishment at the age of 23! There is nothing to envy. I don't think you're much older than me, and I don't think you know any better about it.

You're the cool one here! You can’t even write a word without mistakes, and you insult a person just because he looks younger than you, you little shit!

, Be honest: do you want to be younger or look younger? I already told you how to do it! And if you just want to chat about getting rid of wrinkles, then that’s your business and your right. To avoid wrinkles and bags under the eyes, it is not enough just to smear your face with cream, you need to behave well. Quit smoking, drinking and, of course, not having dozens of sexual relationships in a month! Don't tell me you don't do all this!

When I read this bullshit, I’m just sick, I’m already 23 years old, and they still call me a boy, and, excuse me, it’s disgusting for me to read about how some grims don’t like wrinkles on their faces. Haven’t tried smooth it out with a hot iron. And I came to this forum solely because I was trying to find out why someone at 25 years old suffers from wrinkles, and I suffer from excessive youthfulness. And remember one thing. I will always be young and beautiful, and in five years you will have yellow flabby wrinkled skin, saggy breasts and cellulite, excuse the expression, cunt. And in your sweet dreams you, of course, will dream about me. About a young and handsome boy!

Aliska, now I’ll tell you the secret of how to remain a young girl until 40 years old. If you think that I will start talking about miracle creams, then you are mistaken! The secret is simple! 1) quit your job, live with your parents, if you are studying, then be sure to transfer to the correspondence department! And in your free time you play war games on the computer. 100% guarantee. But only later you won’t be offended when they poke you and call you “girl” with arrogant condescension! As for the article, I just called text No. 23 that way.

I tried to say that the point is not exactly who works and who plays on the computer “sitting on their necks,” but that many people think so! My aunt, brother and many other “smart relatives” insist that at 23 years old I look like this precisely because I lead an “easy” lifestyle, that I supposedly have no stress. Although this is not at all true. I spent all 6 courses in the correspondence department, and not because I was lazy, but because when I entered, I still walked with a cane (after the accident). While the slacker full-time students were doing 2 classes a day, I spent at least 5 hours studying! But, unfortunately, teachers don’t particularly favor young correspondence students, so they had to redo their work many times. Isn't this stressful? When did I get my license? I couldn’t sleep peacefully for 2 months until I passed this damn exam that they scared us with back then! Isn't it stressful? Is it possible to save for a car for 4 years with a salary of 4000 rubles? per month, when “dear grandmother” will not give even a ruble! Although my other grandson, my beloved, receives half a pension every month. For me, at best, it’s 500 rubles. on his birthday, which happens once a year. That's all! every third student went to university in a foreign car, while I trudged on foot! And these students looked much older than me, although they were younger! Conclusion: lifestyle has little effect on appearance. By the way, my grandmother’s beloved grandson is aging very quickly, although his life is much simpler and easier than mine.

Nothing shows age like eyes. The skin of the eyelids is thin and ages the fastest. Over the years without care, its elasticity noticeably decreases. Blepharogel will help avoid skin aging problems.

The product is a medicinal drug and has a complex effect. Its composition is almost natural, its scope of application is cosmetology and medicine.

What is it prescribed for?:

  1. dryness and swelling of the eyelids;
  2. blepharitis;
  3. barley;
  4. dry eye syndrome;
  5. peeling of the skin of the eyelids.

Recently, the product has become often used in cosmetology to combat wrinkles around the eyes, since the composition contains a significant amount of hyaluronic acid. It has the ability to rejuvenate the epidermis.

Blefarogel 1 – principle of action

Blefarogel 1 is intended for daily care and prevention of eye fatigue.

It is also used for blepharitis, xerophthalmia (dry eye syndrome), visual overload, wearing contact lenses that have caused disturbances in tear secretion, and styes.

Blefarogel 2 – what is it used for?

Blepharogel 2 is prescribed for demodicosis of the eyelids - this is its main purpose.

Other Applications:

  1. elimination of inflammation in blepharitis;
  2. prevention of dry eyes and styes;
  3. normalization of the lacrimal glands;
  4. elimination of swelling and eye fatigue;
  5. eye hygiene when working with office equipment or documents;
  6. improvement of the walls of scleral vessels.

Is it effective in treating wrinkles on the face and around the eyes?

Blepharogel was originally intended to treat and maintain the general condition of the eyelid skin. But some of its elements turned out to be capable of moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing the skin.

The opinion of cosmetologists: although the manufacturer does not guarantee, the content of hyaluronic acid can give the following results:

  1. improvement of overall skin tone;
  2. smoothing out small facial wrinkles;
  3. reduction of deep folds;
  4. active moisturizing of the skin near the eyes;
  5. increased elasticity;
  6. relieving irritation and cleansing the skin;
  7. activation of skin respiration.

A drop of Blepharogel may be enough for the face, but it will not act as an anti-aging agent. Moreover, such use is uneconomical.

Beneficial features

The volumes of both forms are the same, the composition is identical, with the exception of one component - Blefarogel 2 contains sulfur.

Component Action
Deionized water Purified water, completely devoid of ions. Due to this, all microdamages heal super quickly. The fact is that under its influence cell division increases.
Glycerol Known moisture accumulator. It takes it from the air and transfers it to the cells of the epidermis. Due to it, all skin irregularities are smoothed out, like putty.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) The main culprit of the hype. It itself is part of young skin - the epithelium and connective tissue of the human body. Controls the functioning of the sebaceous, meibomian and sweat glands. It neutralizes traffic jams, and they freely produce their secretions. HA is responsible for skin hydration and elasticity; cell regeneration.
Aloe vera Biostimulator of cellular metabolism. Perfectly relieves swelling, has an antimicrobial effect, accelerates cell metabolism.
Propylene glycol Attracts moisture from the air and enhances the work of the humidifier.
Methylparaben Artificial preservative and antiseptic.
Carbomer Its role is gelation.
Sulfur Gel component 2. Is a powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. And also an acaricide. It is enhanced by the action of aloe: relieves swelling, removes redness, successfully fights pathogenic microorganisms, helps speed up the processes of assimilation and dissimilation, improves blood microcirculation, strengthens the immune system.

Instructions for use

Application of Blepharogel 1:

  1. For daily care: clean the eyelids of makeup, and apply the gel to the eyelids with light movements. Apply with circular massage movements onto the eyelids, towards the inner corner of the eye. Wait until completely absorbed - lie down with your eyes closed.
  2. For blepharitis - use the gel 2 times a day after morning washing until the manifestations of the disease completely disappear.
  3. For preventive measures, apply once a day, in the late afternoon.

Application of Blepharogel 2:

  1. For daily care. Perform make-up removal; Apply the product using a cotton pad to clean eyelids with light movements. At first, the movements are lightly touching, gradually becoming massage movements. The gel is rubbed in in a circular motion for 2 minutes, gradually moving towards the edge of the eyelashes.
  2. With demodicosis. The gel is applied daily to the skin of the eyelids in 2-3 doses. When the signs of the disease weaken, they switch to a single, but regular dose.
  3. After physiotherapy: electro-, phono- and magnetophoresis.
  4. Instructions for use against wrinkles - has some features: apply the gel 2 times a day, using patting movements. The skin should not only be cleansed, but also steamed. The course of such treatment is at least 2-3 months. You cannot apply decorative cosmetics after the gel.

Side effects

Side effects are rare, but can sometimes manifest themselves in the form of a burning sensation in the eyes - when drops of it get on the mucous membrane.

It goes away quickly after washing with warm water.

To avoid even such rare side effects, you need to take precautions:

  1. The product should not be applied on top of other cosmetics, especially for rejuvenation products.
  2. Do not leave it overnight - swelling of the eyelids is possible in the morning.
  3. Before using the gel, the lenses must be removed - if you need to put them on, wait 30 minutes until the product is completely absorbed.
  4. We must not forget about the expiration date - an expired drug should not be used.
  5. Broken packaging does not allow the use of the drug.

Photos of results (before and after application)

Possible contraindications

Blefarogel has almost no contraindications, since the composition is natural. Cases of drug intolerance are very rare.

But cannot be used when:

  1. skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis;
  2. watery eyes;
  3. weakened immune system;
  4. individual allergy to the composition;
  5. open wounds and pustules on the skin.

Although they talk about not using the gel during pregnancy and lactation, this is an unnecessary measure. No side effects have been reported.