Kidney pain and its treatment

They occur due to tumors, wind, stones, kidney weakness or ulcers; sometimes the pain is accompanied by poor digestion of food, loss of appetite and nausea. You already know all the types of pain mentioned and how to treat them. If the pain intensifies, then use, for example, filunia, “star” cakes and similar medicines until the pain calms down, and then treat the disease itself. Baths are very useful for pain in the kidneys, especially if softening and analgesic drugs were boiled in water, as we have already said in the relevant paragraphs. Nuts from the seeds are one of the medicines that cannot be avoided in the treatment of the kidneys and bladder, especially ulcerated ones; however, consuming the seeds for pain is somewhat dangerous, because they attract and force juices to drain. Prudence also requires the avoidance of numbing agents; Let the doctor limit himself to calming the pain with lukewarm water, without continuing its use too much, for this can lead to the reduction and attraction of juices.