Stomach pain

Pain in the stomach arises either from a disorder of nature without matter, especially hot, burning, or from a disorder in the presence of matter, especially hot and burning, or from a disturbance of continuity, the cause of which is either winds, bursting or burning, or something combining both of these quality, as happens with hot tumors; sometimes the disruption of continuity occurs from corrosive ulcers. For some people, stomach pain begins while eating and calms down after digestion; most of these people suffer from a spill of black bile and “abdominal melancholy”. And some people experience pain when the food in the stomach stops and in the tenth hour after eating or so; For some of them, the pain does not calm down until they vomit some sour substance that makes the earth boil, after which their pain goes away. And for some people, the pain goes away when the food goes down into the intestines, and they do not vomit. Among both of them there are people who live with all these ailments for a long time.

The cause of the first disease is the outpouring of black bile into the stomach from the spleen, and the cause of the second is the outpouring of yellow bile there from the liver. This does not cause pain at first, because both bile goes to the bottom of the stomach, and when the bile mixes with food and the food swells, it rises to the mouth of the stomach. In some people, as a result of eating a lot of food and the habit of eating without experiencing real hunger, as well as from fullness of the body due to indigestion, there is an unbearable burning sensation in the stomach. Pain in the stomach due to winds is either severe, constant, or it is pain in the form of contractions. Some people have pain and severe burning in their stomach, but it goes away when they eat. The reason for this is the outpouring of burning juices that enter the stomach when it is empty and there is no food in it; juices are either sour, black gall, or spicy, yellow gall; this occurs more often.

There are people in whom the sensitivity of the stomach and the presence in the stomach of the bile juices poured out there, which we mentioned, turn out to be the cause of terrible, unbearable pain in the stomach; Sometimes such pain causes fainting. Often, drinking cold water causes pain in the stomach, causing anxiety and leading to screaming. Sometimes a person dies suddenly, because the pain reaches the heart, and sometimes they go down to the intestines and cause pain. If a person continues to have pain in the stomach for a long time, then one can fear that this will lead to the formation of a tumor in the stomach. In pregnant women, pain in the stomach portends “suffocation of the uterus,” but pain in the mouth of the stomach often occurs in pregnant women without this.

GIt will be said that if, with pain in the stomach, something hard, similar to a blister, appears on the right leg, it means that the patient will die on the twenty-seventh day, and that a person who is struck by such a disease wants sweets. And if a person has a stomach ache and develops bean-like black spots and pimples on the lower part of his forehead, which turn into ulcers and remain until the second day or longer, then that person will soon die. Such a person is attacked by hibernation and sleeps a lot.

Signs. The signs of pain from simple disorders of nature are the signs of these disorders mentioned above, and the signs of pain from a disorder of nature with the presence of matter are the signs that we have also already mentioned. Burning and burning indicates that the matter is pungent in quality and that it is hot, bitter and salty. If the burning sensation is not felt constantly, but is renewed from time to time, this indicates an outpouring of yellow bile matter from the liver; such a burning sensation in the stomach sometimes causes a one-day fever, and a constant burning in the stomach sometimes causes a three-day persistent fever, and also causes pain in the right side; this indicates the complicity of the membrane enveloping the liver. If the fever calms down, but the burning sensation remains, then the reason for this is the outpouring of excess matter in the liver into the stomach, or a hot disorder of nature, or the outpouring of viscous juice. Burning without burning indicates an outpouring of acidic matter.

A sign that a disease in which pain occurs several hours after eating is due to black bile is the appearance of sour, vinegar-like vomiting, after which the pain goes away, and also that the spleen is damaged and digestion is poor. A sign of pain arising from yellow bile is the absence of vinegar-like vomiting; If there is vomiting at all, it is vomiting bile. Digestion is not insufficient and signs of yellow bile spillage are obvious, and the liver is hot and inflamed. If the pain comes from the winds, a sign of this is belching, hiccups, rumbling and tension in the area of ​​the false ribs and abdomen.

Treatment. When treating pain resulting from a hot disorder of nature, they give them curdled milk from cow's milk, sour dug and cold water and feed them chickens, partridges and turkey with mung bean, as well as pumpkin, garden purslane and small fish boiled with vinegar. For drinks, sikanjubin and thickly brewed juice of unripe grapes are given, and for medicines, cakes made from bamboo nodules are used and cooling medicinal dressings are used. If you see signs of weight loss and exhaustion, then use baths and give the patient liquid diluted wine; also prepare for him fattening, soft, balanced stews by nature. If the pain comes from the hot yellow juice, you perform a bowel movement and prescribe shikanjubin, prepared with vinegar in which wormwood was soaked.

As for the remedies for cold wind pain, when the pain is mild, they are soothed by compresses with millet and blood-sucking jars with fire, especially if you put a large jar in place in the middle of the abdominal walls so that it covers the navel on all sides, and leave it for a while, without making an incision; This jar immediately soothes the pain in an amazing way. The patient is also given pure wine to drink and intoxicating oils are rubbed into the walls of his abdomen; this also dispels severe pain. Long aristolochia is very helpful in dispelling severe wind pain, as well as beaver stream, if you drink it with diluted wine vinegar or apply a compress with old olive oil to the outside of the stomach. The winds are dispelled by drinking pure wine, going to bed, exercising on an empty stomach, and also using the remedies mentioned in the chapter on abdominal swelling, if there is a great need for strong medicines. If the pain comes from winds locked in the stomach and in adjacent places, then laurel drupes and toasted cumin help, and if the cause is swelling black bile, then you need to apply a compress with a small amount of alum and vitriol, ground with sour vinegar; You should also use compresses from grated dill stems.

If the pain is caused by a tumor, then it is treated in the manner mentioned in the paragraph on the treatment of stomach tumors; if the pain does not respite, then try to soften the swelling with fat and pourings prepared from dill and similar medicines. Pain that arises long after eating and causes an eruption of vinegar-like matter is treated by strengthening the stomach by warming it with hot medicinal dressings, pure wine and large medicinal porridges; the patient is fed fried foods and foods that tend to generate smoke in a hot stomach, such as boiled eggs and honey. The treatment of one whose pain continues until he eats is to remove or quench yellow bile, if the pain comes from yellow bile, or to remove black bile, if the pain comes from black bile; At the same time, both juices are diverted away from the stomach by means that we mention in the corresponding paragraph of the “Canon”, and strengthen the mouth of the stomach. Then you should separate meals and give both patients food, meager in quantity, but very nutritious; they should take food only in sips and postpone drinking until the pain stops, and when the pain goes away, they can drink.

If pain appears after eating and is relieved only by vomiting, and this pain is malignant, then it is good to drink a little honey every day before meals; the cause of this illness should be studied in the paragraph on vomiting. What is to be removed is removed with sabur infusion and similar medicines and then “star” cakes are consumed. Here is one of the remedies useful for this disease: take incense, mastic, nigella, azhgon, green pistachio shells and raw aloe in equal parts, pound, sift and mix with myrobalan honey; take this medicine before meals in an amount of two dirhams to two mithqals. Such a patient can be helped by eating coriander, drinking pomegranate with mint and other medicines mentioned in the paragraph on vomiting. Among the remedies useful for stomach pain due to its special properties is, as Galen testifies, the inner skin of chicken stomachs. Often a burning sensation in the stomach is soothed by cold things, such as yogurt and the like.