Wart on a child's chin

Wart on chin


The content of the article:
  1. What does a wart on a child's chin look like?
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. Treatment options
    1. Folk remedies
    2. Medicines
    3. Removing the build-up

A wart on a child's chin is a growth on the skin that affects the lower part of the face and is a cosmetic defect. It can appear at absolutely any age, even in newborns, but adolescents are primarily at risk. Why this happens, what this formation looks like and what is the best way to combat it will be discussed further.

What does a wart on a child's chin look like?

What does a wart on a child's chin look like?

Photos of warts on the chin in children

A wart on a child's chin looks like a small bump, the size of which is usually 0.3-0.7 mm. It can be either convex and rising above the skin, or flat, in close contact with the tissues.

The relief of a wart is heterogeneous, the structure is porous, the surface is often ulcerated, with numerous cracks, black spots and papules. The nodule is quite dense and sometimes very hard, but sometimes its surface is soft, since there are voids inside the growth. In rare cases, it contains a small amount of jelly-like liquid.

The color of warts on the chin in children can be completely different - from flesh-colored to brown or maroon; the more active the papilloma virus is and the longer the formation is on the skin, the darker it is.

Their root, as a rule, is not as dense as that of thread-like formations, so they are easier to remove. Hanging growths are elongated not in width, but in height. Both tend to increase in size and spread to other areas.

Usually, children either have one wart at a time or in numerous groups on their chins. They are localized mainly under the lips, although they can be located to the left or right of them. Sometimes these formations create common areas and merge into large spots, which makes them more difficult to treat.

Most often, warts on the chin have a deformed appearance and a rough surface, which is associated with the constant impact of various negative factors on them. These, first of all, include active UV radiation, low temperatures, cold wind and cosmetics with a large number of aggressive chemicals.

Due to the negative effects of the sun and cold, warts on the chin in children often begin to itch, and this, in turn, can lead to bleeding and infection. In this case, redness may appear in the affected area, often accompanied by itching and slight swelling of the tissue. Scratching the problem area can cause a strong violation of integrity and trigger the process of activation of the papilloma virus, which in the future can provoke the emergence of new lesions not only on the face, but also on the body.

  1. Read also what warts on a child’s lip look like

Causes of neoplasms

HPV 3d model

In children, as in adults, a wart is a symptom of infection with the human papillomavirus. It indicates that HPV is in an active state, in which it is able to successfully attack healthy cells. If it does not meet with retaliatory aggression on its way, then a growth begins to form on the affected areas, which increases in size over time. On average, from the moment the pathogen enters the body to this stage, it takes from 3 to 12 months.

One of the main reasons for infection and the appearance of warts on a child’s chin is the transmission of the papilloma virus from the mother during childbirth. But this only happens if the woman herself is a carrier of HPV and it is active in her body.

Also, the pathogen can get inside during an appointment with various doctors, the most “dangerous” of which are dentists. Children become infected with HPV through contact with the saliva or blood of a sick person.

Another way of transmitting the human papillomavirus is through household contact - the use of various things of the carrier. First of all, those who use other people's bath accessories are at risk, since the pathogen is highly resistant to humid conditions. This is why swimming in pools where the water is poorly treated to prevent infections is dangerous.

After infection, the appearance of a wart on a child’s chin provokes a deterioration of the immune system, and the weaker it is, the higher the likelihood of this. Such problems are created primarily by vitamin deficiency, which develops due to a lack of various useful substances. The most dangerous thing is a lack of iron, folic and ascorbic acid, zinc, calcium, vitamin A and E.

Frequent stress, poor environment, and constant lack of sleep can also lead to the appearance of warts on the chin. Hormonal disruptions, which often occur in adolescence, also have a negative impact on the immune system. Sometimes the cause of such a growth is gastritis, colitis and some other diseases. As a result of their development, beneficial substances are absorbed worse, which leads to weakened immunity. Various ENT pathologies also reduce the body’s defense against papillomavirus attacks.

Taking antibacterial drugs is also dangerous, especially if it is long-term and not supervised by a doctor. These medications reduce the number of beneficial microorganisms that are needed to resist the pathogen, and thereby provoke the appearance of warts in a child.

  1. See also the reasons for the appearance of flat warts on the face in children

Methods for treating warts in children

In the case of a child, it is best not to take risks and seek help from a doctor. The doctor will select the most effective and safe means of treating warts. They can be both medical and folk, all of which can be used separately or together in one course.

Folk remedies

Olive oil for warts on a child’s chin

To treat warts on the chin in children, you can use various oils, including essential oils, all kinds of solutions, juices, pulps from medicinal plants, decoctions and infusions.

To quickly eliminate formations, you will need to focus on external treatment. If it is necessary to speed up the solution to the problem and prevent its occurrence in the future, then certain folk remedies will need to be taken orally.

Here's what will be effective for warts on the chin in children:

  1. Oils. They can be warmed up a little before use. It is advisable that they be raw, not refined; ethereal ones are also suitable. These products can be used for external treatment of formations 5 times a day or for preparing compresses, which are recommended to be used at least once a day. Olive, sea buckthorn, castor, burdock, and coconut oil are excellent here. The optimal duration of such treatment for warts in children is 2 weeks.
  2. Juices. It's best if it's lemony. They need to wipe the formation twice a day until it is eliminated. This treatment should be carried out for at least 2 weeks. Instead of this product, you can use freshly squeezed aloe or celandine juice. Naturally, they are not very suitable for children with sensitive skin.
  3. Decoctions. For a wart on the chin, a decoction of wormwood prepared from this herb (2 tablespoons) and warm water (250 ml) helps very well. After mixing the components, they must be kept on low heat for about 20 minutes, after which the composition must be strained. Soak a cotton pad in the purified liquid and treat the growth. This should be done twice a day for 2-3 weeks. You can also use a decoction of 2 tsp to treat warts in children. green tea and boiling water (200 ml).
  4. Tincture. Here we can advise you to pour the walnut partitions (1 glass) with vodka or alcohol (1 l) and leave for a week. Then you need to strain the mixture and moisten a cotton pad in the resulting liquid, which will need to be used to wipe the growths. To solve the problem, you will need to do this at least 2 times a day for about 2 weeks.


Preparations for warts on a child’s chin

The photo shows medications for warts on a child’s chin

To successfully fight a wart, it is necessary to maintain a normal level of immunity. Supervit, Vitaton, Pikovit Forte do an excellent job for this purpose. These are vitamin and mineral complexes that can be purchased for an average price of 170 rubles. (80 UAH). They must be taken for 2-4 weeks, 1-3 tablets per day. After completing one course of treatment for warts on the chin in children, it is important to take a break for at least 3 months.

To enhance the effect of vitamin-mineral complexes, in addition to them, it is recommended to take immunostimulants such as Arbidol or Ingavirin. Among liquid drugs, Tsitovir-3 deserves special attention, the price of which is 390 rubles. The optimal duration of their use is 2-4 weeks, in some cases it can be increased to 2 months. The cost of such drugs is on average 370 rubles. (160 UAH).

Antiviral drugs occupy a special place in the treatment regimen for warts on the chin in children. Here you can recommend Lykopid or Kagocel, which sell for about 500 rubles. (220 UAH). They should be taken for 4-7 days, depending on the condition of the body. The tablets are sold without a prescription.

You should not ignore external means for treating formations. These include the “Verrukacid” solution, sold in 10 g containers. Its cost is about 150 rubles. (70 UAH). For successful treatment, it must be applied more than 7-10 times, but between such treatments it is important to take a break of 2 minutes.

Instead of Verrucacid, to remove warts on the chin in children, you can use Feresol, which is also a solution with cauterizing and antiviral properties. It can be purchased at a price of 50 rubles. (23 UAH). Instructions for use of this product require 1-2 applications to the affected surface with a break of 7 days.

No less useful will be the Lapis pencil, available in pharmacies at a price of 120 rubles. (50 UAH). It is enough to apply it twice a day, the duration of treatment should be from 5 to 10 days.

In addition to this or as a stand-alone product, you can use Aldara cream, which costs 2,900 rubles. (1300 UAH) or Oxolinic ointment.

Removing a skin tag

Laser removal of warts on a child’s chin

Removal of warts on the chin in children using physiotherapeutic procedures is allowed only if therapeutic treatment does not produce the desired effect. Moreover, the child’s representative—one of the parents or a guardian—must agree with this.

Here are the methods that are relevant here:

  1. Cryotherapy. This method is most often chosen to eliminate numerous growths in one area. It helps to freeze and then destroy cells affected by the papilloma virus, which further promotes their death and starts the process of tissue repair. This procedure involves treating the skin with liquid nitrogen and lasts a total of 15-30 minutes. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles. (150 UAH).
  2. Radiocoagulation. This method is very effective in removing filiform warts on the chin in children. The special knife used here removes them without causing serious tissue injury. This is done in 20-30 minutes. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is usually not painful. The price of radio destruction is 3000 rubles. (1200 UAH).
  3. Electrocoagulation. To eliminate formations using this method, you will need to apply electric current to the skin. It can have a completely different frequency, and the older the formation, the higher it should be. After treating the problem areas, the tissues are dried and the crust formation process begins. As a result, after some time, the scab goes away on its own and no traces of the growth remain. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles. (250 UAH).
  4. Laser therapy. This method of removing warts on the chin in children helps due to the thermal effect on the formation. As a result, the growth is destroyed and does not leave behind a scar. At first, there may be slight redness of the skin and mild itching, but this is where the side effects end. This procedure is painless and not dangerous to health. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles. (1300 UAH).

Since the main and only reason for the appearance of warts on the chin in children is the active activity of the papilloma virus, if they are detected, it makes sense to consult a virologist. It would also be a good idea to consult with an immunologist and dermatologist. If a growth in a child looks suspicious, it is better to protect it and make an appointment with an oncologist.

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