Bronchitis Putrid

Putrid bronchitis is an infectious-inflammatory process of pathological changes in the walls during bronchitis, accompanied by local impairment of respiratory function. It is a complication of acute pneumonia, ARVI, bacterial bronchitis in children and adults.

With this disease, an inflammatory process occurs in the wall of the bronchi due to the entry of bacteria into the alveolar sacs along with air or with blood and lymph in various infectious diseases - measles, influenza, typhus and others. The disease worsens with a sharp decrease in immunity after taking antibiotics.

Bronchitis of the putrefactive type is characterized by very severe damage to the walls of the bronchi - they are covered with a viscous secretion and are hyperemic. An increase in body temperature is often accompanied by general symptoms of malaise and diarrhea. The bronchial mucosa becomes inflamed, various microbes begin to actively multiply, causing an allergic negative effect on the body. Against the background of such a lesion, signs of pleurisy and emphysema may appear. Like any other infectious inflammation, pyogenic bronchitis can lead to serious complications. As a complication, infectious pancreatitis, lung abscess, acute pyelonephritis and many other diseases can occur. Chronic purulent bronchitis is also especially dangerous - its symptoms do not differ from the symptoms of acute purulent bronchitis. The development of pathology leads to the development of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and in advanced cases – to pneumonia. In some children, the process of inflammation of the bronchi is so strong that it can even lead to amyloidosis - a change in lung tissue under the influence of a protein substance - amyloid. The disease can result in the death of such patients.