Bronchitis Obstructive

Obstructive bronchitis, or obstructive bronchitis, is an inflammation of the bronchi that causes difficulty breathing and the respiratory process in general. You may be thinking of a different name for this disease and it has a different abbreviated name. But this is definitely not a greeting. We tried to bring you back to reality and help you with advice.

Bronchitis. Obstructive bronchitis - what is it important? Obstructive bronchitis can be caused by various reasons - for example, respiratory tract infections, allergies, smoking, and other factors. One of the main reasons is smoking - it provokes a weakening of respiratory and muscle function,

Obstructive bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the airways, which is characterized by blockage of the bronchial tubes with mucus or other particles. The bronchi are components of the bronchial tree, which begin in the lungs and end at the level of the larynx. They have different widths and sizes, and each of them is responsible for a specific function of the body. Obstructive bronchitis is called bronchitis, in which there is a complete or partial narrowing of the airway lumen.

Bronchitis can have a variety of causes, including infection, allergic reaction, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. Also, some factors can increase the risk of obstructive bronchitis, such as smoking, air pollution, allergies and others.

Obstructive bronchitis develops in most viral and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (ARVI)