Buccal-pharyngeal fascia

The name of the buccopharyngeal fascia in Latin is Fascia Buccopharangia.

Let's look at the Latin names:

F - Fascia (fascia) is the Latin name for “board”;

A - Audio (audio) - the relation to the ears for listening is already mentioned here;

S - Soft. Associated with softness;

C - Cauda (spear) - often the spear was used as part of the equipment of knights, which helps to hit the enemy.

I - Inferior (lower) - refers to the lower part.

It turns out Fascia bucofaryngea - means “lower frontal plate.”

Next in the name appears the word “bladder” (literally “bladder”), which means a hollow connective membrane between organs and other tissues.

The phrases "tickle" and "pharynx" sound similar to the noun "throat" "farynx".

The abbreviation PNA means "Palatal-nasopharyngeal anatomy", i.e. the anatomy of the palate and nasopharynx.

The letter P is short for Pharynx