Future Mom in Front of the Mirror

Pregnancy has a multifaceted impact on a woman’s body, including her appearance. By looking at yourself in the mirror, you will be able to notice these changes.

The skin becomes more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, so pigment spots may appear. Due to hormonal changes, the skin often becomes drier. It is also possible for stretch marks to appear on the abdomen, chest, and thighs.

Hair grows faster during pregnancy, becoming thicker and shinier. But immediately after childbirth, they begin to actively fall out - this is a normal process. After six months, hair thickness will be restored.

Nails also become stronger, stronger and grow faster.

The figure also changes - the belly grows, the hips become rounded, the breasts increase in size. These changes are temporary.

Pregnancy affects every aspect of your appearance, but over time your body will return to its previous state. The main thing is to enjoy your unique beauty during this period and not forget about your health!